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Compute Gradients over FE mesh using Nodal Solution

19 views (last 30 days)
I have computed the solution to an electrostatics problem using the finite element method in a slightly non-standard workflow (I could not figure out how to accomplish this within the PDE modeling environment, see here):
  1. Define finite element mesh outside the PDE modeling environment
  2. Create an electrostatics model and import the mesh
  3. Use FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model) to assemble the global stiffness matrix
  4. Manually prescribe Dirichlet boundary conditions at mesh nodes by constructing an H matrix (not sure what the technical term here is - a condensation operator, a boundary condition applicator, a row eliminator?) and using the pdenullorth(H). By the way - it's strange that this function does not have any documentation that I can find!
  5. Solve the FE problem using a backslash operation. Here's steps 3-5 (tetMesh struct contains the tetrahedral mesh I've imported, and catNodes & anNodes identify the nodes where I'd like to prescribe voltage boundary conditions):
%assemble matrices (right now F is always zero)
FEM = assembleFEMatrices(model,"KF");
%create a vector of prescribed voltages
Vd = sparse(tetMesh.nNodes,1);
Vd(tetMesh.catNodes) = 1000;
Vd(tetMesh.anNodes) = 0;
%form the consdensing matrix
H = sparse(1:tetMesh.nDirichlet,[tetMesh.catNodes tetMesh.anNodes],...
[B,~] = pdenullorth(H);
% form the reduced matrix algebra problem
Kc = B'*FEM.K*B;
Fc = B'*(FEM.F-(FEM.K*Vd));
%compute the FE solution
u = B*(Kc\Fc) + Vd;
This works fine - I can now plot the nodal solutions (the electric potential) over the problem domain:
Now, I would like to compute the derived quantities associated with normal electrostatics solutions - namely the Electric Field, which is simply the gradient of the Electric Potential Field.
Ordinarily result = solvepde(model) would compute this quantity automatically - but I computed my solution simply using \. Is there a way to perform this using the FE mesh that the problem was solved on? I have a hunch that the shape functions and their derivatives embedded in the FE mesh will produce a more accurate gradient field than if I project the solution to a uniform grid, compute a gradient, and project back. For this reason I would like to avoid using scatteredInterpolant().

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