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Hello, I have a problem with the installation of simmechanics link. When i want to install it i get this error. Can someone help me how i can install it?? thanks for your answers

1 view (last 30 days)

Answers (2)

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro on 24 Apr 2015
The "install_addon" function comes with the download package.
Have you tried switching to the folder where you downloaded SimMechanics link such that the file is on the MATLAB path?
- Sebastian

Christian Boländer
Christian Boländer on 5 May 2015
There is no change when the zip-file is on the MATLAB path. I always get this error. the problem is that simmechanics link is very important for my masterthesis so i need this tool. Has anyone an other idea how i can install simmechanics link?

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