How to Install Matlab R2019b from Intune

21 views (last 30 days)
Claudio on 24 Sep 2024
Edited: Walter Roberson on 15 Oct 2024
I have been tasked to migrate all our Matlab installation from SCCM to Intune. So I am starting with Matlab R2019b and having quite a hard time to get it working via Intune,
I've been using this custom install.bat file I found on reddit:
\setup.exe -inputFile C:\temp\my_installer_input.txt timeout /t 60 >nul :WAITLOOP tasklist | find "MathWorksProductInstaller" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( timeout /t 10 >nul goto :WAITLOOP )
I've finally been able to get it installed on my test environement but it's missing all the installer input from the installer.ini file.
Any idea what I am doing wrong ?
Claudio on 11 Oct 2024
We are using the full Matlab R2019b features, we downloaded the entire product. I am currently using the same package we are deploying via SCCM and repurpising it with IntuneWinAppUtil.exe
Thank you for the above comment, I will read into it and reply if successful.

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Answers (2)

Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya on 9 Oct 2024
Hi Claudio,
It sounds like you’re on the right track with your custom install.bat file, but the issue might be related to how the installer is accessing the installer.ini file.
  1. File Paths: Ensure that the path to your installer.ini file is correctly specified in your install.bat file. Sometimes, relative paths can cause issues, so using absolute paths might help.
  2. Permissions: Verify that the account running the installation has the necessary permissions to read the installer.ini file and execute the installation.
  3. Batch File Execution: Make sure the batch file is correctly calling the setup.exe with the -inputFile parameter pointing to the correct location of your installer.ini file.
There is a similar query raised on the following MATLAB Answer as shared by Kanishk in the comments section:
Try to refer it and see if you can find any help on the issue you are encoutering.
Hope it helps.
  1 Comment
Claudio on 11 Oct 2024
Thank you for the comment Manikanta, I was able to get the full Matlab R2019b installation completed but it didn't apply the input txt file or ini file I created. So no License, Shortcut or app found in add and remove program.
You are right, I am probably not given the correct path for the input or installer.ini to complete.
This is what I've been using,
.\bin\win64\setup.exe -inputfile .\installer.ini timeout /t 60 >nul :WAITLOOP tasklist | find "MathWorksProductInstaller" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( timeout /t 10 >nul goto :WAITLOOP )
I copied the ini file to .\bin\win64\ and I will add the path to the batch file
.\bin\win64\setup.exe -inputfile .\bin\win64\installer.ini timeout /t 60 >nul :WAITLOOP tasklist | find "MathWorksProductInstaller" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( timeout /t 10 >nul goto :WAITLOOP )
Thank you for the comment.

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Gary on 15 Oct 2024
Edited: Walter Roberson on 15 Oct 2024


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