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Add Item to my listbox in GUI ?!

3 views (last 30 days)
Maryam Emad
Maryam Emad on 5 Dec 2011
Welcome All '
I hope to be Alright :)
I have listbox in my GUI , and Add pushbutton, any time when user want to add item in listbox he click on it and brows to chose file he want.
My Question is how i can handle (deal) with this item that user add it. note that the kind of this item is file with the extension .m
Also , I want to put this new item (ie.file) in the same folder that contain my code.
In Add callback function i do like this:
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile( ... {'*.m', 'All matlab-Files (.m)'; ... '.*','All Files (.)'}, ... 'Select Matlab File');
%if file selection is cancelled, pathname should be zero %and nothing should happen
if pathname == 0
%gets the current data file names inside the listbox
inputFileNames = get(handles.listbox2,'String');
%if they only select one file, then the data will not be a cell %if more than one file selected at once, %then the data is stored inside a cell
if iscell(filename) == 0
%add the most recent data file selected to the cell containing
%all the data file names
inputFileNames{end+1} = filename;
%else, data will be in cell format
%stores full file path into inputFileNames
for n = 1:length(filename)
%notice the use of {}, because we are dealing with a cell here!
inputFileNames{end+1} = filename{n};
%updates the gui to display all filenames in the listbox

Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 5 Dec 2011
When filename is a cell array
inputFileNames = [inputFileNames; filename];


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