Solve eqn and get real part of solution in MatLab R2011b

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I use MatLab R2011b and want to solve an eqn and get the real part of solution. This is the code:
And this is solution: s =
- 0.13537805585343442652857506799495 - 0.83663803641655759940578883730279*i
- 0.13537805585343442652857506799495 + 0.83663803641655759940578883730279*i
As you can see "s" has two solutions are real (0.3971 and -0.87638) and two imaginary (with i). The real solution is needed. Which command can be used in this case? Give the example is helpful.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Oct 2015

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