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How to combine two matrix?

1 view (last 30 days)
dragoon on 25 Oct 2015
Answered: Star Strider on 25 Oct 2015
For example, I define matrix
A = ones(2,2,2)
B = ones(2,2,2)
I wish to combine A and B to form a new matrix C so that the size of C is 2,2,4 and C(:,:,1:2) = A and C(:,:,3:4)=B
How may I do it? I tried C = [A B] or C = [A,B] but none of them works

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 25 Oct 2015
Use the cat function:
A = randi(9,2,2,2);
B = randi(9,2,2,2);
C = cat(3, A, B);

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