Clear Filters
Clear Filters


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sir, plz help me to solve this errror, i attach my code here

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k=imread('D:\research work\clock.tiff');%192x192 double [rows, columns] = size(k); thresholds = k(2:3:end, 2:3:end); % Get centers of 3x3 % Make same size as data thresholds = imresize(thresholds, [rows, columns], 'nearest'); out = k > thresholds; C=mat2tiles(out,[3,3]); idx=[1 4 7 8 9 6 3 2]; B=cellfun(@(c)c(idx),C,'uniformOutput',false); B=bin2dec(vertcat(B{:})); result=reshape(B,size(C)); the errror is:Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in @(c)c(idx)

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