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std::exception while trying to write frame by VideoWriter.writeVideo

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I'm trying to write frames into video, in a loop, one frame at a time. By 3rd-5th frame, I'm getting an error:
Caught "std::exception" Exception message is:
bad numeric conversion: positive overflow
when executing simply
writeVideo(vo, img);
where vo is video object with some frames already successfully written and img is just MxNx3 uint8. I have tracked the error down through an audiovideo tollbox to toolbox/shared/asynciolib/+asyncio/OutputStream.m, line 183:
countWritten = obj.StreamImpl.write(packets);
so it looks like some bug in the OI library... any idea, what could be the problem?
P.S.: I'm running Matlab R2011a on Ubuntu.
Karel Lebeda
Karel Lebeda on 13 Oct 2015
Eventually realised what the problem was - the place I was trying to write into (a network drive) got filled with the video to full capacity...

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