Problem creating a geoTIFF from a non-georeferenced image

4 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to create a geoTIFF file in Matlab from the attached png. I'm following the example provided in:
but need to create georeferencing information from scratch, so using makerefmat and worldfilewrite to acheive this. The code below does not cause a crash, but generates a TIFF that image readers seem to struggle with, so I assume I'm doing something wrong. There may also be some redundancy as I haven't worked with TIFF tags before. Any help appreciated!
% Load image without georeferencing
RGB = imread('uk_dT.png');
% Create worldfile for image. At present this is done by first creating a
% reference matrix, then using these values to generate a worldfile.
% Longitude spans -17:10 (west to east), latitude 63:47 (north to south)
lonmin = -17; lonmax = 10; latmin = 47; latmax = 63;
DX = (lonmax-lonmin)/(length(RGB(1,:,1))); DY = (latmin-latmax)/(length(RGB(:,1,1)));
R = makerefmat(lonmin, latmax, DX, DY);
% Read worldfile, create geotiff
REF = worldfileread('uk_dT.tfw','geographic',size(RGB));

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 7 Sep 2017
file = 'uk_dT.png' ;
[path,name,ext] = fileparts(file) ;
I = imread(file) ;
lonmin = -17; lonmax = 10; latmin = 47; latmax = 63;
x = linspace(lonmin,lonmax,size(I,2)) ;
y = linspace(latmin,latmax,size(I,1)) ;
% Write to geotiff
R = georasterref('RasterSize',size(I),'LatitudeLimits',[latmin,latmax],'LongitudeLimits',[lonmin,lonmax]);
tiffile = strcat(name,'.tif') ;
hendra kurnia febriawan
hendra kurnia febriawan on 17 Sep 2018
Hi All,
Thank you for the sharing. I am working with this thing as well but I used UTM zone 50S coord instead of latlong. Could you please tell me what function to be used which is similar with georasterref but for UTM coord?
Thank you in advance.

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