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Matlab unable to relaod the python module

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm using Matlab R2016b with python 2.7. The first time that I made my python module within my Matlab project folder and tried to run it using py.mymod.myfunc it did work perfectly, but then I changed my python module and the next time I was running my matlab, it was giving me this error:
Undefined variable "py" or class "py.connection.getFromDB"
My Matlab code is:
function [status] = pipeMe()
[own_path , ~ ,~] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
module_path = fullfile(own_path, '..');
python_path = py.sys.path;
if count(python_path , module_path) == 0
insert (python_path , int32(0) , module_path);
final = py.connection.getFromDB();
I tried to use:
module = py.importlib.import_module('connection');
but I got the same error. I highly appreciate it if you could help me with this issue. Thanks.

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