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Explore an hdf5 file

5 views (last 30 days)
maxroucool on 4 May 2012
Hi all,
I would like to post treat information from a software called PAM-RTM which simulate injection of resin. Output files are erfh5 that is a kind of hdf5.
So I am discovering this file format and especially the structure of these output files. When I used to program in PHP, there was a function called print_r() enabling to explore the structure of an array to know what are the information that it contains.
I would like to know if there is an equivalent of this function to explore hdf5 files in matlab.

Accepted Answer

John on 4 May 2012
Go to MATLAB Central and search for HDF5TOOLS. It has a function called H5DUMP that should work on 2009a.
  1 Comment
maxroucool on 5 May 2012
Exactly what I was expecting!
Thank you very much!

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More Answers (3)

per isakson
per isakson on 4 May 2012
Did you search the Matlab documentation? Yes there is! Try
info = h5info( filespec );
See help on h5info. I have the impression that Matlab supports HDF5 well.

maxroucool on 4 May 2012
Hi per isakson,
Thanks for the answer.
I already saw these 3 functions h5info/read/write. But with my previous question I was expecting a recursive function that explores the whole structure of the file.
Of course I could do it by myself, but since I don't really understand the structure of these files, it is not obvious to do it.

maxroucool on 4 May 2012
OK, in fact you were right!
The h5disp() function seems to do what I want, but does not seems to be available on Matlab 2009...


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