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Trouble finding end of a column in Matlab using xlsread

1 view (last 30 days)
The data i am reading in is in the form of an xls format so I use xlsread in matlab to read it in. The data is a mixture of numbers and letters. Due to this fact I use the raw format of xls read. The purpose of my program is to rearrange the data into a specified format.
My problem is that I am unable to find the correct end to a column when using a while loop.
One of my attempts is below:
while((alldata(i,4)~= 0)&&(i < (x-1)))
Temparray(i-6,3) = alldata(i,4);
xlswrite('output.xls',a,'Sheet1',sprintf('G%d',i-6));`enter code here`
i = i+1;
I wish it to stop when it reaches a blank cell or empty cell.
Any help would me much appreciated.

Answers (1)

Geoff on 15 May 2012
Do you mean this?
while( ~isempty(alldata{i,4}) && i < (x-1) )
Joe on 16 May 2012
Unfortunately that doesn't quite work because
it shows the the cells that I think of as empty all return
Is is there a way to stop the loop if it returns NaN?
If it helps
this is how I call xlsread
<code>[numbers, words, alldata] = xlsread('April Test Results.xls');</code>
and these are the values of x and y
<code> [x,y] = size(alldata) </code>

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