how to distribute users uniformly or non uniformly inside circle

4 views (last 30 days)
I have a circle with raduis R, how can I distribute users inside this circle in a uniform distribution and after that how can I find the xy coordination of each user inside the circle. thanks

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Mar 2018

More Answers (1)

Jan on 21 Mar 2018
Edited: Jan on 21 Mar 2018
To get 100 points ("users") inside a circle with radius R with a cheap rejection method
R = 19;
want = 100;
have = 0;
pos = zeros(want, 2);
R2 = R^2;
while have < want
% A random point in [-R, R], 2D:
point = (2 * rand(1, 2) - 1) * R;
% Accept point if inside the circle:
if point(1)^2 + point(2)^2 <= R2
have = have + 1;
pos(have, :) = point;
A constructive method:
R = 19;
want = 100;
r = sqrt(rand(want, 1)) * R;
alpha = rand(want, 1) * (2 * pi);
pos = [r .* cos(alpha), r .* sin(alpha)];
This is almost correct. The only problem is that rand replies values in the open interval (0,1), but alpha should live on the half open interval [0,1) including the 0. But even then the value 0.0 will occur with the probability of 2^-52 only, such the the difference is tiny.

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