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Print command erroring with 'Undefined function or method 'findprop' for input arguments of type 'struct'.'

3 views (last 30 days)
Recently the print function in matlab has stopped working on one computer of mine, specifically for print('-dmeta'). I use this function extensively for putting figures into powerpoints - but it fails regardless of how I call it. The same code works on other computers. I also can't save figures, weither from the GUI or using matlab functions as it throws the same error.
If I create a figure and call print(gcf, '-dmeta'), it throws the error 'Print command erroring with 'Undefined function or method 'findprop' for input arguments of type 'struct'.''
The stack that the error is thrown at is
In isprop at 40
In C:\MATLAB\R2011a\toolbox\matlab\graphics\private\postProcessPrinttables.p>postProcessPrinttables at 12
In printtables at 17 In graphics\private\inputcheck at 15 In print at 163
Anybody have ideas for settings I could have changed accidentally, or files that could have been corrupted? I've reinstalled matlab and the error does go away if I do an entirely clean reinstall, but it comes back shortly there after.
I've run
which -all findprop
with the following results,

Accepted Answer

Matt on 21 May 2012
Apparently my 2010b version and my 2011a version were getting their wires crossed - so what Walter was saying was on the right track. Not sure how to best fix this - but I put a 2011a folder with all the files with the 2010b folder (the default install location apparently changed between these two versions), and for now it is working.

More Answers (2)

Matt on 21 May 2012
findprop is a built-in method % meta.PackageList method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed meta.ClassList method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed meta.FunctionList method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed meta.TypeList method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.figure method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.GObject method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.class method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle.handle method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed COM.PowerPoint_Application method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle.subreference__ method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.prop method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library.Presentations method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.method method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library._Presentation method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library.Slides method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library._Slide method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library.Shapes method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library.Shape method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library.TextFrame method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library.TextRange method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.package method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.axes method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle.listener method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graph2d.lineseries method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.line method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle.EventData method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.linkprop method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed function_handle_workspace method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle.PropertySetEventData method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle.PropertyEventData method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.root method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uimenu method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uitoolbar method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.text method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uipushtool method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uitoggletool method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uitogglesplittool method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.image method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uicontrol method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uitable method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.hgjavacomponent method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uicontainer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_PowerPoint_12.0_Object_Library.ShapeRange method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed COM.Excel_Application method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_Excel_12.0_Object_Library.Workbooks method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_Excel_12.0_Object_Library._Workbook method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_Excel_12.0_Object_Library.Sheets method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_Excel_12.0_Object_Library._Worksheet method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Interface.Microsoft_Excel_12.0_Object_Library.Range method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.EnumType method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.type method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.UserType method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed dspopts.findpeaks method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed scribe.colorbar method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed scribe.legend method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.event method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.Annotation method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.LegendEntry method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.panbehavior method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.zoombehavior method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.rotate3dbehavior method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.datacursorbehavior method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.ploteditbehavior method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uicontextmenu method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.patch method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed scribe.legendinfo method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hg.uipanel method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed uitools.uimodemanager method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed uitools.uimode method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed$_AxisCanvas method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed WindowButtonMotionEventData method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.datadescriptorbehavior method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.plotmanager method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed uitools.FigureToolManager method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed uiundo.CommandManager method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed uiundo.FunctionCommand method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed uiundo.AbstractCommand method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed handle.Operation method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed graphics.plotevent method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.Root method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.Object method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed DAStudio.Object method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.ConfigSet method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.ConfigSetRoot method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.BaseConfig method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.BaseTemplate method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.BaseObject method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.Preferences method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed schema.signature method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.EditorPrefs method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.FontPrefs method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.SaveVarsPrefs method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.SolverCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.ConfigComponent method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.DataIOCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.OptimizationCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.DebuggingCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.HardwareCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.ModelReferenceCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.SFSimCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.RTWCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed DAStudio.CustomizationManager method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed SLPerfTools.Tracer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed ModelAdvisor.Root method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.ConfigSetRef method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.hdlcc method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.CustomCC method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderprops.CLI method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderprops.AbstractProp method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.ConfigMComponent method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.hdlglblsettings method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.abstracthdlglblsettings method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.abstracthdlcomps method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.hdltb method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.abstracthdltb method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.hdledas method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed hdlcoderui.abstracthdledas method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed linkfoundation.pjtgenerator.AdaptorRegistry method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed RTW.TargetRegistry method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.ExtModeTransports method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed BusEditor.customizer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.LookupTableEditorCustomizer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed rtw.codegenObjectives.ObjectiveCustomizer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed LibraryBrowser.StandaloneBrowser method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed LBCustomizer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed mpt.SLDataObjectCustomizer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Simulink.DataTypePrmWidget method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed mpt.RTWBuildCustomizer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed mpt.MiscCustomizer method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed Repository.RepositoryReport method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed CosLibraryBrowser.FavoriteBlocksManager method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed DAStudio.IconManager method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed CosLibraryBrowser.MenuCreationHelper method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed CosLibraryBrowser.MenuActionDispatcher method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed DAStudio.ContainerSchema method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed DAStudio.ToolSchema method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed DAStudio.Hash method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed containers.Map method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed meta.class method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed meta.MetaData method
findprop is a built-in method % Shadowed meta.method method
C:\MATLAB\New_R2011a\toolbox\matlab\lang\@handle\findprop.m % Shadowed handle method

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 May 2012
dbstop if error
run the program
look at what isprop() is trying to do, and what input is being sent to it, and where that input is coming from
look at inputcheck and what it is trying to do, where its input came from, and so on.
The usual cause of a problem like this is that you have added your own routine with the same name as one of the MATLAB library routines, so your routine is getting called instead of the MATLAB routine.
Matt on 21 May 2012
In INPUTCHECK its erroring out on the first line - a line which doesn't have any inputs, but seems to generate the printtables
%PRINTTABLES Method to create cell arrays of data on drivers and options available.
% Tables are for use in input validation of arguments to PRINT command.
% See also PRINT
% Copyright 1984-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
I'm working on comparing this with the previous (working) version - but anyone that has a possible solution please do comment.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 May 2012
Private routines still go through the same name resolution as everything else. If one of those routines happens to call upon a work routine whose name clashes with something of yours, then your routine will be called and will return results that the private routine does not expect.
Today is a holiday here and I do not have access to MATLAB today to look through the routines.

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