Is it possible to read realtime data from dSpace (ControlDesk) into Matlab?

26 views (last 30 days)
I want to get the data from the dSpace to Matlab, to build a GUI including a animation, possible?
Dong Li
Dong Li on 16 Oct 2019
how about reading realtime data from Matlab into dSpace (ControlDesk)?
pasquale maris
pasquale maris on 22 Apr 2020
Hello, I exported an acquisition made in Controldesk 6.2P2. The exported file is xml format. I tried to import it in matlab but it is difficult to undestand where the information are located in the structure generated by the import.Can you please give more information about how to read those xlm file?
In the xml file I see <RecordingFileType type="key">ASAM MDF 4.1 Files (*.mf4)</RecordingFileType> but no more information.
Thanks in advance.

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Answers (1)

Karthik C
Karthik C on 11 May 2019
Currently, dSPACE ControlDesk is not supporting any Realtime data reading for Matlab. but as Dunzhi Chen said, you can record in .mat format.


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