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How do you keep the intergeneration time with a large ServiceTime in Simevents

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm using the following code to generate time-based entities some of which are multiple entities at a particular instance. The following is my MATLAB code for Intergeneration interval:
persistent SEQ1;
persistent idx1;
if isempty(SEQ1)
SEQ1 = [0 15 15 15 inf];
idx1 = 1;
dt = SEQ1(idx1);
idx1 = idx1 + 1;
If I run this through a server with a ServiceTime that is around 10, I find that the model creates entities at T = 0, 0, 15, 30, 45]. However when my ServiceTime is large (like 300), the entities are generated at T= 0, 0, 15, 300, 600. I'm not sure why this is? Do you know if there is a way to have a large ServiceTime for the server block and still generate entities at the originally specified MATLAB code?

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