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Script that Accurately counts lines in a text file

13 views (last 30 days)
Would someone be able to help me with a rather simple script I have to write? The script needs to be able to take a text file and count the number of lines of text. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson on 2 Apr 2019
Why do you need to count the number of lines in a text file here? Many simple word processors are capable of displaying this type of information.
If you do still want a script to specifically do this, see my response to your other question about capturing certain words.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Apr 2019
Is newline to be considered a line terminator or a line separator? If it is a line separator then if the last thing in a file is a newline then the emptiness between the newline and the end of file counts as a line.

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Answers (2)

Guillaume on 2 Apr 2019
linecount = sum(fileread(somefile) == 10) + 1;
See Walter's comment. This will count the emptiness between the newline and end of file as a line if the last line ends in a newline.
Will works both for Windows and Linux line ending (but not old style macs which used char(13) solely as a newline marker).

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Aug 2022
Try this
textLines = readlines(fileName);
numLines = numel(textlines)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Aug 2022
That question is not related to the question of how to accurately count lines in a text file. You should start your own question.
faisal sani
faisal sani on 11 Aug 2022
Okay, thank you, I will post my question above. The information I want to extract is how the object changes the illuminated light when reflected by adding some harmonics to the original sinusoid

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