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Only write floating points and/or avoiding scientific notation when using dlmwrite

3 views (last 30 days)
I have this piece of code but it writes some of my outputs in scientific notation. I would like to keep the numbers as floating points instead. Open to any suggestions.
filein is an input in my function. It is meant to be a text file with several columns and rows. Then it filters out the rows that have n in the column column (variable column, also a function input). The filtered rows are then written in a new file fileout ( a function output).
data = dlmread(filein);
data_new = data(data(:,column) > n,:); % isolating files with A > n
fileout = fileoutname;
dlmwrite(fileout,data_new,'delimiter',' ');
% In case it would make it easier, here is my function setup
[fileout] = excludeA(filein,n,column,fileoutname)
Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 7 Apr 2019
Use dlmwrite() with precision option.

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