Get geographic coordinates from map

3 views (last 30 days)
Miguel Crespo
Miguel Crespo on 9 Apr 2019
I was wondering if there is any way I can obtain geographical coordinates from a web map. So I'm using the Mapping toolbox, specifically the webmap function to obtain an image, and would like to be able to select or obtain information from points by selecting inside the figure, something like the ginput, but availabe for this kind of figures.
I'm using the code below in order to access the map.
wm1 = webmap; % Default map type
latMadrid = 40.418889; % madrid latitude
longMadrid = -3.691944; % madrid longitude
zoomLevel = 18; % Zoom level (max = 18)
wmcenter(wm1, latMadrid, longMadrid, zoomLevel)
If there is any other way I can open a map and search for coordinates inside the map by clicking on it, I'll appreciate the knowledge.
Thank you,

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