Clear Filters
Clear Filters

add extral rows for data cursor mode

1 view (last 30 days)
zhiwen wan
zhiwen wan on 11 Apr 2019
Hi everyone,
i have a 3d scatter which was created from last three colums of the table showed below
but i also would like to present users with first three colums as additional information.
i tried to do that with callback, but failed to found how to corresponding relationship.
88 7 10 21,378 1164 92,03
88 7 15 21,06 1140 92,037
88 7 20 20,567 1116 91,983
88 7 25 19,903 1090 91,862
88 7 30 19,065 1063 91,666
88 7 32,5 18,585 1049 91,537
88 7 35 18,067 1035 91,382
88 7,5 10 21,435 1167 92,136
88 7,5 15 21,108 1143 92,144
88 7,5 20 20,606 1117 92,091
88 7,5 25 19,934 1091 91,972
88 7,5 30 19,089 1063 91,78
Thank you for your help!

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