export Data Index to Workspace
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Having a scatter plot, when I click on one of the points, I get some information regarding that point e.g. X-value and Y-value and DataIndex (generated through a customized UpdateFcn). When
UT_points = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj);
a structure is built with fields as "Target" and "Position". How can I add a customized field to this structure e.g. "Data index"?
Answers (1)
Santosh Gnanasekaran
on 23 May 2019
plot(XValue,Y Value); %% Plots the data
a = get(gca,'Children');%% Gets the axes related data
xdata = get(a, 'XData'); %% extract the specific data and store it in workspace
ydata = get(a, 'YData'); %% extract the specific data and store it in workspace
Santosh Gnanasekaran
on 23 May 2019
Edited: Santosh Gnanasekaran
on 23 May 2019
Yes, once you store these variables in workspace, you can customise the variables. For more info:
Hope this helps.
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