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Discrete integers function optimization ?

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I was wondering what is the best method or optimization tool i can use for a optimization of a function which it's variables are discrete integers ?
I already used a metaheuristic method (PSO), so i was wondering if there are other method (mathematically) can be used in such kind of optimization problems ?
The problem include constraints such as a check function to test the feasibility of the solution but it's in other file than the main objective function file.
I already saw a similar question and the answer was using GA optimization tool, but i can't use it since it falls in the same category of heuristic methods which i previously mentioned that i used one of them (PSO).

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Jun 2019
In the situation where all of the variables are discrete values, you can just try all of the possible combinations of values. This might take a while...
In the situation where the function is linear, then you can use
In some cases there are analytic approaches that can reduce the search space, if you have the Symbolic Toolbox and do a bunch of programming yourself. You find the derivative and solve for the zeros of that, which gives the locations of the extrema in continuous coordinates. You take the second derivative and substitute the locations into that and look at the sign() of that value in order to determine which kind of extrema you have. This gives you some information that can be used to partition the search space according to which extrema any given point is closest to. Now you can evaluate for all discrete points in the catch basins of the minima in order to find the local minima in discrete terms. By examining the local gradient, you could potentially also eliminate some of the searching.
hossam eldakroury
hossam eldakroury on 22 Jun 2019
Really thanks man,
Now i will focus on how to use (intlinprog) and implement my objective function and constraints to build the optimization code.
Usman Bashir Tayab
Usman Bashir Tayab on 15 Feb 2023
Hi Hossam,
Please can you share PSO codes for discrete integers variables. As I need to implement discrete integers variables using PSO for my problem.

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