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Add two excel data togather

2 views (last 30 days)
Exton on 30 Aug 2012
now i had two excel data inside my matlab and i would like to ask how to add on the two data together and square it???? my excel data name count and counts... need some coding guard line to help to done my FYP
Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle on 30 Aug 2012
Can you please show a simple example of what the data looks like and what result you'd like.
Exton on 30 Aug 2012
there are 2 excel file with all my value (only in 1 column ) i want to add those value and square it!278

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Accepted Answer

Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle on 4 Sep 2012
Edited: Matt Tearle on 4 Sep 2012
count = xlsread('file1.xls');
counts = xlsread('file2.xls');
squaredsum = (count + counts).^2;
(although from your screen capture, there don't seem to be any Excel files.)

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