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Add-Ons fails

2 views (last 30 days)
Norbert Rossello
Norbert Rossello on 27 Aug 2019
Answered: Chidvi Modala on 17 Dec 2019
Pb when clicking "Add-on" as reply:
"Failed to load URL with error (-111)."

Answers (1)

Chidvi Modala
Chidvi Modala on 17 Dec 2019
The following addresses/ports first need to be configured on your network in order to allow MATLAB to successfully connect to the MathWorks servers:
Why do I get a connection error when installing or activating MATLAB or another MathWorks product?
The following addresses also need to be configured the same way for the Add-Ons Explorer or the Software Support Installer to work properly:
  • (Add-Ons Explorer)
  • (Software Support Installer)


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