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Simulink switch that is based on probability

3 views (last 30 days)
How do you use Simulink to create a pathway with a switch that splits into two based on probability (for eg, 0.4 of the time goes through port A and 0.6 of the time goes through port B)?

Accepted Answer

Jim Riggs
Jim Riggs on 13 Sep 2019
Edited: Jim Riggs on 13 Sep 2019
This seems to work for me (The uniform random number is set to a range of 0 to 1):
George Jacob
George Jacob on 14 Sep 2019
Thanks so much! Looking forward to trying it but this was exactly along the lines of what I was thinking. I’m trying to create a Markov chain model similar to what is possible with TreeAge Pro
Jim Riggs
Jim Riggs on 14 Sep 2019
Edited: Jim Riggs on 14 Sep 2019
I'm thinking that one way to implement this in a subsystem like this:
Matlab Answers 20190913a.JPG
In this case, the enabled subsystems simply pass the signal straignt through. Signals A and B are defined outside, and the subsystem simply acts a a probabilistic switch between A and B.
You can create a mask for the subsystem and set the percentage threshold (i.e. the 0.4 value) in the mask.

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More Answers (1)

George Jacob
George Jacob on 16 Sep 2019
Thanks again! This was very helpful !!
George Jacob
George Jacob on 17 Sep 2019
Sorry about that. I’m a nube. Hopefully I did it right this time.
Jim Riggs
Jim Riggs on 17 Sep 2019
Thank you.
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