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Run same function for different objects from same class

1 view (last 30 days)
Hey guys,
I am still a beginner in OOP. Hope, that the question is not too stupid ;).
Let's assume geMode1,geMode2,geMode3,geMode4 and geMode5 are objects of the Mode Class. How is it possible to execute the testfct function in one line of code (preferably without for-loop) so that it is applied to all objects?
One example could be
function obj = testfct(obj,color)
obj.color = color;
I want all objects to have the same color. To define obj = {geMode1,geMode2....} does not really work.
Thanks for your help :)

Answers (2)

Harsha Priya Daggubati
Harsha Priya Daggubati on 4 Nov 2019
You can try initializing color property of the object in the constructor of the Model class. Refer to the following link for more details:
Hope this helps!

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Nov 2019
arrayfun(@(obj) testfct(obj, SomeColor), [geMode1, geMode2, geMode3, geMode4, geMode5])
Provided that they are handle class. If not then modifying them in a compact way becomes more difficult.


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