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How to write umax*exp(1​./((th-th0​).*(th-th1​)))/en for th0<th<th1 in matlab?

6 views (last 30 days)
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I saw something related to my question
uu = @(th) vif(th>ph0&th<ph1,umax*exp(1./((th-ph0).*(th-ph1)))/en,0)
but unfortunately, 'vif' is not defined. Please I need clarification.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Nov 2019
Edited: Walter Roberson on 7 Nov 2019
Assuming that you have assigned a definite vector of values to th, then:
y = nan(size(th));
mask = th0 < th & th < th1;
y(mask) = umax*exp(1./((th(mask)-th0).*(th(mask)-th1)))/en;
Kayode Odeyemi
Kayode Odeyemi on 7 Nov 2019
Edited: Kayode Odeyemi on 7 Nov 2019
Thanks. God bless you. Yes, definite vector of values have assigned to th and umax. I want to write it like
uu = @(th) vif(th>ph0&th<ph1,umax*exp(1./((th-ph0).*(th-ph1)))/en,0)
where vif will also be a function. Please, I need your help.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Nov 2019
Why do you want to write it that way?
Have you considered using piecewise() from the symbolic toolbox?

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