How to use hold on command to put curves generated by two seperate algorithms on same figure?

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Both of these algorithms are mentioned below!!!
%% Testing
% This script
% 1. generates testing data for each SNR point;
% 2. calculates the symbol error rate (SER) based on deep learning (DL),
% least square (LS) and minimum mean square error (MMSE).
%% Clear workspace
clear variables;
close all;
%% Load common parameters and the trained NN
%% Other simulation parameters
NumPilot = length(FixedPilot);
PilotSpacing = NumSC/NumPilot;
NumOFDMsym = NumPilotSym+NumDataSym;
NumClass = length(Label);
NumPath = length(h);
% Load pre-calculated channel autocorrelation matrix for MMSE estimation
% This autocorrelation matrix is calculated in advance using the 3GPP
% channel model, which can be replaced accordingly.
%% SNR range
Es_N0_dB = 0:2:20; % Es/N0 in dB
Es_N0 = 10.^(Es_N0_dB./10); % linear Es/N0
N0 = 1./Es_N0;
NoiseVar = N0./2;
%% Testing data size
NumPacket = 10000; % Number of packets simulated per iteration
%% Simulation
% Same pilot sequences used in training and testing stages
FixedPilotAll = repmat(FixedPilot,1,1,NumPacket);
% Number of Monte-Carlo iterations
NumIter = 1;
% Initialize error rate vectors
SER_DL = zeros(length(NoiseVar),NumIter);
SER_LS = zeros(length(NoiseVar),NumIter);
SER_MMSE = zeros(length(NoiseVar),NumIter);
for i = 1:NumIter
for snr = 1:length(NoiseVar)
%% 1. Testing data generation
noiseVar = NoiseVar(snr);
% OFDM pilot symbol (can be interleaved with random data symbols)
PilotSym = 1/sqrt(2)*complex(sign(rand(NumPilotSym,NumSC,NumPacket)-0.5),sign(rand(NumPilotSym,NumSC,NumPacket)-0.5));
PilotSym(1:PilotSpacing:end) = FixedPilotAll;
% OFDM data symbol
DataSym = 1/sqrt(2)*complex(sign(rand(NumDataSym,NumSC,NumPacket)-0.5),sign(rand(NumDataSym,NumSC,NumPacket)-0.5));
% Transmitted OFDM frame
TransmittedPacket = [PilotSym;DataSym];
% Received OFDM frame
ReceivedPacket = genTransmissionReceptionOFDM(TransmittedPacket,LengthCP,h,noiseVar);
% Collect the data labels for the selected subcarrier
DataLabel = zeros(size(DataSym(:,idxSC,:)));
for c = 1:NumClass
DataLabel(logical(DataSym(:,idxSC,:) == 1/sqrt(2)*Mod_Constellation(c))) = Label(c);
DataLabel = squeeze(DataLabel);
% Testing data collection
XTest = cell(NumPacket,1);
YTest = zeros(NumPacket,1);
for c = 1:NumClass
[feature,label,idx] = getFeatureAndLabel(real(ReceivedPacket),imag(ReceivedPacket),DataLabel,Label(c));
featureVec = mat2cell(feature,size(feature,1),ones(1,size(feature,2)));
XTest(idx) = featureVec;
YTest(idx) = label;
YTest = categorical(YTest);
%% 2. DL detection
YPred = classify(Net,XTest,'MiniBatchSize',MiniBatchSize);
SER_DL(snr,i) = 1-sum(YPred == YTest)/NumPacket;
%% 3. LS & MMSE detection
% Channel estimation
wrapper = @(x,y) performChanEstimation(x,y,RHH,noiseVar,NumPilot,NumSC,NumPath,idxSC);
ReceivedPilot = mat2cell(ReceivedPacket(1,:,:),1,NumSC,ones(1,NumPacket));
PilotSeq = mat2cell(FixedPilotAll,1,NumPilot,ones(1,NumPacket));
[EstChanLS,EstChanMMSE] = cellfun(wrapper,ReceivedPilot,PilotSeq,'UniformOutput',false);
EstChanLS = cell2mat(squeeze(EstChanLS));
EstChanMMSE = cell2mat(squeeze(EstChanMMSE));
% Symbol detection
SER_LS(snr,i) = getSymbolDetection(ReceivedPacket(2,idxSC,:),EstChanLS,Mod_Constellation,Label,DataLabel);
SER_MMSE(snr,i) = getSymbolDetection(ReceivedPacket(2,idxSC,:),EstChanMMSE,Mod_Constellation,Label,DataLabel);
SER_DL = mean(SER_DL,2).';
SER_LS = mean(SER_LS,2).';
SER_MMSE = mean(SER_MMSE,2).';
semilogy(Es_N0_dB,SER_DL,'r-o','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',10);hold on;
semilogy(Es_N0_dB,SER_LS,'b-o','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',10);hold on;
semilogy(Es_N0_dB,SER_MMSE,'k-o','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',10);hold off;
legend('Deep learning (DL)','Least square (LS)','Minimum mean square error (MMSE)');
ylabel('Bit error rate (BER)');
function [EstChanLS,EstChanMMSE] = performChanEstimation(ReceivedData,PilotSeq,RHH,NoiseVar,NumPilot,NumSC,NumPath,idxSC)
% This function is to perform LS and MMSE channel estimations using pilot
% symbols, second-order statistics of the channel and noise variance [1].
% [1] O. Edfors, M. Sandell, J. -. van de Beek, S. K. Wilson and
% P. Ola Borjesson, "OFDM channel estimation by singular value
% decomposition," VTC, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1996, pp. 923-927 vol.2.
PilotSpacing = NumSC/NumPilot;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LS estimation with interpolation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
H_LS = ReceivedData(1:PilotSpacing:NumSC)./PilotSeq;
H_LS_interp = interp1(1:PilotSpacing:NumSC,H_LS,1:NumSC,'linear','extrap');
H_LS_interp = H_LS_interp.';
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MMSE estimation based on LS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[U,D,V] = svd(RHH);
d = diag(D);
InvertValue = zeros(NumSC,1);
if NumPilot >= NumPath
InvertValue(1:NumPilot) = d(1:NumPilot)./(d(1:NumPilot)+NoiseVar);
InvertValue(1:NumPath) = d(1:NumPath)./(d(1:NumPath)+NoiseVar);
H_MMSE = U*diag(InvertValue)*V'*H_LS_interp;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Channel coefficient on the selected subcarrier %%%%%%%%%%%
EstChanLS = H_LS_interp(idxSC);
EstChanMMSE = H_MMSE(idxSC);
function SER = getSymbolDetection(ReceivedData,EstChan,Mod_Constellation,Label,DataLabel)
% This function is to calculate the symbol error rate from the equalized
% symbols based on hard desicion.
EstSym = squeeze(ReceivedData)./EstChan;
% Hard decision
DecSym = sign(real(EstSym))+1j*sign(imag(EstSym));
DecLabel = zeros(size(DecSym));
for c = 1:length(Mod_Constellation)
DecLabel(logical(DecSym == Mod_Constellation(c))) = Label(c);
SER = 1-sum(DecLabel == DataLabel)/length(EstSym);
%% Step 1: Configurations
%clear all;
close all;
save_tx_data = 1;
if save_tx_data
% 1.1 OFDM parameters
N = 64; % FFT size, Number of total subcarriers
Ncp = 16; % Length of Cyclic prefix
Ts = 1e-7; % Sampling period of channel
Fd = 0; % Max Doppler frequency shift
Np = 8; % No of pilot symbols
Ng = 4; % No of side guard subcarriers
Ndc = 2; % No of DC guard subcarriers
Ndata = N - Np - 2.*Ng - Ndc; % No of Data subcarriers per symbol
Frame_size = 8; % OFDM symbols per frame
Nframes = 2000; % Size of tested OFDM frames: set as 10^4 for smooth curve
M_set = [2, 4, 8, 16]; % Modulation orders
SNRs = -10:1:29; % Test SNR points
% 1.2 Vehicles for results
berofdm_all = zeros(5,length(SNRs));
berofdm_all(1,:) = SNRs;
serofdm_all = zeros(5,length(SNRs));
serofdm_all(1,:) = SNRs;
% 1.3 Calculate pilot locations
DC_sc = [N/2, N/2+1];
Effec_sc = [Ng+1:N-Ng];
Effec_sc = setdiff(Effec_sc, DC_sc);
% Pilot_sc = [5,12,19,26,34,41,48,55];
pilot_loc = [1:ceil(length(Effec_sc)/Np):length(Effec_sc)];
Pilot_sc = Effec_sc(pilot_loc);
guard_sc = [1:Ng,N-Ng+1:N];
Np = length(pilot_loc); % Recalculate Number of pilot
pilot_sc_frame = [];
guard_sc_frame = [];
DC_sc_frame = [];
for i_sym = 0:Frame_size-1
pilot_sc_sym = Effec_sc(sort(mod((pilot_loc + i_sym*3)-1,length(Effec_sc))+1)); % scattered
% pilot_sc_sym = Pilot_sc; % comb pilot
pilot_sc_frame = [pilot_sc_frame, pilot_sc_sym+i_sym*N];
guard_sc_frame = [guard_sc_frame, guard_sc+i_sym*N];
DC_sc_frame = [DC_sc_frame, DC_sc+i_sym*N];
data_sc_frame = setdiff([1:Frame_size*N],guard_sc_frame);
data_sc_frame = setdiff(data_sc_frame, pilot_sc_frame);
data_sc_frame = setdiff(data_sc_frame, DC_sc_frame);
%% Step 2: Test Loops
mod_names = {'BPSK','QPSK','8QAM','16QAM'};
channel = 'AWGN';
mat_name = sprintf('BER_OFDM_%s_Gray.mat',channel);
csv_name = sprintf('BER_OFDM_%s_Gray.csv',channel);
snr = SNRs;
% EsNo= EbNo + 10*log10((N-2.*Np)/N)+ 10*log10(N/(N+Ncp)); % symbol to noise ratio
% snr= EsNo - 10*log10(N/(N+Ncp));
for m_ary = 1:4
M = M_set(m_ary); % No of symbols for PSK modulation
const = qammod([0:M-1],M,'gray'); % Get constellation
berofdm = zeros(1,length(snr));
serofdm = zeros(1,length(snr));
for i = 1:length(snr)
% Step 2.1 Transmitter
% 2.1.1 Random bits generation
D = round((M-1)*rand(Ndata*Frame_size,Nframes));
D_test = reshape(D, Ndata, Frame_size*Nframes);
D_gray = D_test; % gray2bin(D_test,'qam',M);
txbits = de2bi(D_gray(:)); % transmitted bits
% 2.1.2 Modulation
if M == 8
Dmod = qammod(D,M,'gray');
Dmod = qammod(D,M,'gray');
% 2.1.3 Framing
Data = zeros(N*Frame_size,Nframes); % Guard sc Insertion
Data(data_sc_frame,:) = Dmod; % Data sc Insertion
txamp = max(abs(Dmod(:)));
pilot_signal = txamp.*sqrt(1/2).*(1+1i); % Norm pilot power to peak constellation power
Data(pilot_sc_frame,:)= pilot_signal; % Pilot sc Insertion
Data = reshape(Data, N, Frame_size*Nframes);
% 2.1.4 To Time-domain OFDM symbol
IFFT_Data = (N/sqrt(N-2*Np))*ifft(Data,N);
TxCy = [IFFT_Data((N-Ncp+1):N,:); IFFT_Data]; % Add Cyclic prefix
[r, c] = size(TxCy);
Tx_Data = TxCy;
% 2.1.5 Clip PAPR to 8 (9dB)
Tx_Amp = abs(Tx_Data);
Tx_Power = Tx_Amp.^2;
Power_PAPR8 = 8.*mean(Tx_Power,1);
Clip_loc = Tx_Power > Power_PAPR8;
Clip_Data = Tx_Data./Tx_Amp;
Clip_Data = sqrt(Power_PAPR8).*Clip_Data;
Tx_Data(Clip_loc) = Clip_Data(Clip_loc);
% Step 2.2 Wireless Channel
Tx_Pow_Freq = mean2(abs(Tx_Data).^2);
Tx_Data = reshape(Tx_Data, r*Frame_size,[]);
totalFrames = c/Frame_size;
% 2.2.2 Add AWGN noise
y = awgn(Tx_Data,snr(i),'measured');
y = reshape(y,r,[]);
% Step 2.3: OFDM Receiver
% 2.3.1 Remove cyclic prefix
Rx = y(Ncp+1:r,:);
% 2.3.2 Transform to Frequency-Domain
Rx_Freq = (sqrt(N-2*Np)/N)*fft(Rx,N,1);
% 2.3.3 Reshape to Frame size
FFT_Data = reshape(Rx_Freq,N*Frame_size,[]);
% 2.3.4 Extract Data Cells
FFT_Data = reshape(FFT_Data(data_sc_frame,:), [], Nframes*Frame_size);
% 2.3.5 Demodulation
if m_ary==3
Rx_Data = qamdemod(FFT_Data,M,'gray');
Rx_Data = qamdemod(FFT_Data,M,'gray');
Rx_gray = Rx_Data; % gray2bin(Rx_Data,'qam',M);
rxbits = de2bi(Rx_gray(:));
% Step 2.4 Collect BER and SER
[bitErrors,ber] = biterr(txbits,rxbits);
[symErrors,ser] = symerr(Rx_Data(:),D(:));
serofdm(i) = ser;
berofdm(i) = ber;
% Export data for Test in python
if save_tx_data
filename = sprintf('./mat/ofdm_awgn_%s_%ddB.mat',mod_names{m_ary},snr(i));
berofdm_all(m_ary+1,:) = berofdm;
serofdm_all(m_ary+1,:) = serofdm;
%% Step 3: Result Presentation: Plot BER
save(mat_name, 'berofdm_all','serofdm_all');
csvwrite(csv_name, berofdm_all);
grid on;
title('OFDM BER vs SNR in AWGN channel');
xlabel('SNR (dB)');

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