Performing computation using contents stored in a table
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I've the following table
t = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]';
h = [2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]';
value = [1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1]';
tbl = table(t,h,value);
tbl = mergevars(tbl,[1 2]);
I'm filtering the contents of the table using a search value. The contents present in the resulting table is used to perform some operations.
searchvalues = 1:10;
for i = 1:length(searchvalues)
searchval = searchvalues(i);
newtable = tbl(any(tbl.Var1 == searchval, 2), :)
tochange = newtable.Var1(:, 2) == searchval;
newtable.Var1(tochange,:) = fliplr(newtable.Var1(tochange,:));
result(i) = sum((newtable.Var1(:,1) - newtable.Var1(:,2)).*newtable.value);
I'd like to ask for suggestions on how to speed up the steps carried out in for loop.
I tried the following,
searchvalues = 1:10;
i = searchvalues;
newtable = tbl(any(tbl.Var1 == i, 2), :)
tochange = newtable.Var1(:, 2) == i;
newtable.Var1(tochange,:) = fliplr(newtable.Var1(tochange,:));
result(i) = sum((newtable.Var1(:,1) - newtable.Var1(:,2)).*newtable.value);
But, this didn't work.
EDIT: what happens in the for loop?
The following contents are stored in a table, in variable 'tbl',
Var1 value
1 2 1
2 3 2
3 4 1
4 5 2
I would like to do the following,
i = 2,
If the variable i is present in tbl.Var1, I would like to retain only those rows and delete the remining rows.
Var1 value
1 2 1
2 3 2
Also, if i is present in column 2 of Multico, the value in column 2 of tbl.Var1 , the columns are flipped
Th expected output is,
Var1 value
2 1 1
2 3 2
Then, I substract tbl(:,1) - tbl(:,2) , this results in a column vector. Sum of the dot product of this column vector and tbl.value is obtained, stored in variabl result.
I repeat the same for different values of i.
on 25 Feb 2020
Yes, it's clear now. Thank you
Do you always operate on numbers? Why do you need table?
Answers (1)
on 26 Feb 2020
Version without tables
var11 = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]';
var12 = [2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]';
value = [1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1]';
i = 2;
ind = (var11==i) | (var12==i);
% (without replacing columns) tbl(:,1) - tbl(:,2) the same as
result = sum( (2*i-var11-var12).*value.*ind );
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