fmincon converges to solution using interior-point but not using sqp

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I am solving an optimization problem using fmincon. The solver converges to a solution using interior-point algorithm but fails when I use sqp.
line 9 in the file attached:
opts_fmin = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','iter', 'Algorithm', 'sqp-legacy'); %interior-point
Could someone help me in understanding why this happens?
The error that I get is in the computation of objective function after 70 iterations
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in cse_03_19_20/objfun (line 39)
f = sum((phi(:) - phi_tilde(:)).^2);
Error in evalObjAndConstr
Error in sqpLineSearch
MATLAB version used: 2020a
Deepa Maheshvare
Deepa Maheshvare on 1 Apr 2020
Would it help if I specify bounds on the control variables ? I want these values to be >0 , but I don't reaaly have upper bounds.

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