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Save variables in a new directory (not current directory)

52 views (last 30 days)
Hi. I'd save variables from the workspace into a file putting it into a new directory (not the curr dir). I use the command 'save' but it doesn't it! Thanking you for your attention, I'm looking forward for your answers.

Accepted Answer

Thomas on 23 Oct 2012
Edited: Thomas on 23 Oct 2012
you have to use save with the entire path..
save('C:\My folder\filename','varname')
You could also look at the FULLFILE comamnd
doc fullfile
Marta G
Marta G on 10 Feb 2020
Edited: Marta G on 11 Feb 2020
I know this is an old post, but i would like to add that right now it not necessary to add full path if you want to save in a subfolder
That subfolder has to be created beforehand.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Feb 2020
We really recommend using fullfile instead of constructing folder names using strcat. It makes it easier to get the right path and makes the code more portable.

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