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H infinity filtering for linear system

13 views (last 30 days)
Muhammad Atif
Muhammad Atif on 9 Apr 2020
Commented: Uzair Ahmed on 5 Apr 2023
Hi everybody!
I am trying to design an event-triggered H-infinity filter for a linear system, Can anybody provide any reference coding for this??
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Uzair Ahmed
Uzair Ahmed on 5 Apr 2023
function hinfinity(g, duration, dt, SteadyState)
function hinfinity(g, duration, dt, SteadyState)
% H-infinity filter simulation for a vehicle travelling along a road.
% This code also simulates the Kalman filter.
% g = gamma
% if g is too large the program will terminate with an error message.
% In my simulation I set g = 0.01.
% duration = length of simulation (seconds). I used duration = 60.
% dt = step size (seconds). I used dt = 0.1.
% SteadyState = flag indicating use of steady state filter.
% 1 = steady state, 0 = time-varying
measnoise = 2;
% nominal velocity measurement noise (feet/sec)
accelnoise = 0.2;
% nominal acceleration noise (feet/sec^2)
a = [1 dt; 0 1];
% transition matrix
b = [dt^2/2; dt];
% input matrix
c = [0 1];
% measurement matrix
x = [0; 0];
% initial state vector
y = c * x;
% initial measurement
% Initialize Kalman filter variables
xhat = x;
% initial Kalman filter state estimate
Sz = measnoise^2;
% measurement error covariance
Sw = accelnoise^2 * [dt^4/4 dt^3/2; dt^3/2 dt^2];
% process noise cov
P = Sw;
% initial Kalman filter estimation covariance
% Initialize H-infinity filter variables
xhatinf = x;
% initial H-infinity filter state estimate
Pinf = 0.01*eye(2);
W = [0.0003 0.0050; 0.0050 0.1000]/1000;
V = 0.01;
Q = [0.01 0; 0 0.01];
% Initialize arrays for later plotting.
pos = [x(1)];
% true position array
vel = [x(2)];
% true velocity array
poshat = [xhat(1)];
% estimated position array (Kalman filter)
velhat = [xhat(2)];
% estimated velocity array (Kalman filter)
poshatinf = [xhatinf(1)];
% estimated position array (H-infinity)
velhatinf = [xhatinf(2)];
% estimated velocity array (H-infinity)
HinfGains = [0; 0];
% H-infinity filter gains
KalmanGains = [0; 0];
% Kalman filter gains
for t = 0 : dt: duration-dt
% Use a constant commanded acceleration of 1 foot/sec^2.
u = 1;
% Figure out the H-infinity estimate.
if (SteadyState == 1)
% Use steady-state H-infinity gains
K = [0.11; 0.09];
L = inv(eye(2) - g * Q * Pinf + c' * inv(V) * c * Pinf);
K = a * Pinf * L * c' * inv(V);
Pinf = a * Pinf * L * a' + W;
% Force Pinf to be symmetric.
Pinf = (Pinf + Pinf') / 2;
% Make sure the eigenvalues of Pinf are less than 1 in magnitude.
lambda = eig(Pinf);
if (abs(lambda(1)) >= 1) | (abs(lambda(2)) >= 1)
disp('gamma is too large');
xhatinf = a * xhatinf + b * u + K * (y - c * xhatinf);
HinfGains = [HinfGains K];
poshatinf = [poshatinf; xhatinf(1)];
velhatinf = [velhatinf; xhatinf(2)];
% Simulate the linear system and noisy measurement.
% Note that randn is Matlab's Gaussian (normal) random number
% generator; rand is Matlab's uniform random number generator.
ProcessNoise = 2 * accelnoise * b .* [randn; randn];
x = a * x + b * u + ProcessNoise;
MeasNoise = measnoise * (rand - 0.5);
y = c * x + MeasNoise;
% Compute the Kalman filter estimate.
% Extrapolate the most recent state estimate to the present time.
xhat = a * xhat + b * u;
poshat = [poshat; xhat(1)];
velhat = [velhat; xhat(2)];
% Form the Innovation vector.
Inn = y - c * xhat;
if (SteadyState == 1)
K = [0.1; 0.01];
% Compute the covariance of the Innovation.
s = c * P * c' + Sz;
% Form the Kalman Gain matrix.
K = a * P * c' * inv(s);
% Compute the covariance of the estimation error.
P = a * P * a' - a * P * c' * inv(s) * c * P * a' + Sw;
% Force P to be symmetric.
P = (P + P') / 2;
% Update the Kalman filter state estimate.
xhat = xhat + K * Inn;
% Save some parameters for plotting later.
KalmanGains = [KalmanGains K];
pos = [pos; x(1)];
vel = [vel; x(2)];
% Plot the results
close all;
% Close all open figures
t = 0 : dt : duration;
% Create a time array
% Plot the position estimation error
% (Kalman filter = red line, H-infinity filter = green line)
plot(t,pos-poshat,'r', t,pos-poshatinf,'g');
xlabel('Time (sec)');
ylabel('Position Error (feet)');
title('Position Estimation Error');
% Plot the velocity estimation error
% (Kalman filter = red line, H-infinity filter = green line)
plot(t,vel-velhat,'r', t,vel-velhatinf,'g');
xlabel('Time (sec)');
ylabel('Velocity Error (feet)');
title('Velocity Estimation Error');
% Plot the Kalman filter gain matrix
plot(t,KalmanGains(1,:),'r', t,KalmanGains(2,:),'g');
xlabel('Time (sec)');
title('Kalman Gains');
% Plot the H-infinity filter gain matrix
plot(t,HinfGains(1,:),'r', t,HinfGains(2,:),'g');
xlabel('Time (sec)');
title('H-Infinity Gains');

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