Clear Filters
Clear Filters

How i use the command Butter?

4 views (last 30 days)
Marcelo Costa
Marcelo Costa on 13 Nov 2012
I have two questions. The first question is: How do I choose the cutoff frequency of the Butterworth filter The second question is how to filter this data? Attached the link to download the data?
Thank you. I use this algorith
for m=1:endoffile
[a,b]=butter(4,6(210/2), 'low')
However, the results are very different from the actual data.
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 14 Nov 2012
In general masking built-in functions with variables is a bad idea. Masking EXIT is only asking for problems.
Marcelo Costa
Marcelo Costa on 20 Nov 2012
I forgett 6/(210/2). 6 is a cutoff frequency and 210 is acquisition frequency. I try using this code now: [b,a] = butter(4,6/(210/2)); arq2=filtfilt(b,a,arq(:,m)); and the error is: Error using filtfilt>getCoeffsAndInitialConditions (line 149) Data must have length more than 3 times filter order.
Error in filtfilt (line 67) [b,a,zi,nfact,L] = getCoeffsAndInitialConditions(b,a,Npts);
Error in testefiltro (line 12)

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Accepted Answer

Wayne King
Wayne King on 20 Nov 2012
You cannot use filtfilt unless your input vector is more than 3 times as long as your coefficient vectors (the order of your filter).
Because filtfilt works on the columns of your data matrix, you need to transpose your data matrix assuming that you want your filter to operate on the dimension with 37 samples, not 4

More Answers (2)

Wayne King
Wayne King on 13 Nov 2012
Edited: Wayne King on 13 Nov 2012
Nobody can answer how to choose the cutoff frequency for you. That depends on your filter design. Suppose I wanted to filter data below 150 Hz and the data were sampled at 1 kHz. I would do the following. First I'll create some data and then filter it.
t = 0:0.001:1-0.001;
x = cos(2*pi*100*t)+randn(size(t));
[B,A] = butter(10,150/(1000/2));
y = filter(B,A,x);
If you want to view the magnitude response of your Butterworth filter, enter:
Obviously you have to use the correct sampling frequency.

Marcelo Costa
Marcelo Costa on 20 Nov 2012
Hello Again This is my command.
clear all
f2=12.5; frequency of cutoff
Fs=210; acquisition frequency
for x=1:z
for m=1:p;
[b,a] = butter(4,f2/(Fs/2));
res=arq -arq2;
my txt files is saved like this 4 rows X 37 coluns.
But always appers this msg Error using filtfilt>getCoeffsAndInitialConditions (line 149) Data must have length more than 3 times filter order.
Error in filtfilt (line 67) [b,a,zi,nfact,L] = getCoeffsAndInitialConditions(b,a,Npts);

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