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[Help] Ball and Beam Simulink animation

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Pedro on 11 Dec 2012
Hi, I'm a Portuguese student, and I've a project in one of my classes that involves a Ball and Beam system. I already have the circuit in Simulink that describe this situation, and I already did some shapes in V-Realm Builder(a ball and a Beam) and with a Vr sink block, in simulink, I tried to connect the circuit to the simulation, but I think that I'm not doing right. I don´t no if I'm using the right parameters, in the block, or if I'm using in the right way the V-realm Builder, or even if I'm using the appropriate program for this situation. I already saw a similar animation, but was in 2D and with MATLAB codes.
If someone could give some Tips, that would awesome :D:D:D
Thanks since now
Best Regards

Answers (1)

Ryan G
Ryan G on 11 Dec 2012
I would suggest checking out this multipart video series on using Simulink 3d animation.
It sounds like your model is fairly simple. Have you verified that it works as you expect by analyzing the scopes/data from the system?
I like to suggest starting with one of the demos from the documentation when you tackle a new product to help better understand how to interact with the new components. You may be able to alter these demos to suit your need. This may be easier than starting from scratch.


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