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What is wrong with my outputs?

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Ethan Wong Yew Hoe
Ethan Wong Yew Hoe on 31 Jul 2020
Hey all, I can't seem to find a specific error form my code. It came up with a diagram which doesn't make much sense to me. I'm designing a code that allows an object to home in on a target at given coordinates [5, 5].
What my graph showed was the end point of the object's trajectory to be at [5, -5] for reasons which I can;t seem to find. Attached is an excerpt of my code. Am i using the ode45 wrongly? Or is there a flaw in my syntax in general? My aim is to plot x displacement w.r.t to y displacment for the object launched.
Any tips/helps would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
%========================= Explanation of code ===========================%
% Get launch angle (theta) from user, then get initial x and y coordinates
% Constants are VELOCITY (v), N, DESIGNATED TIME (Td)
% Variables are x and y
% LOS, a, L are always changing, so need to INCLUDE THEM IN A LOOP
% Output will be x and y, ALSO ALWAYS CHANGING
%======================= Get input from user =============================%
theta0 = input('Please input launch angle in degrees: ');
x0 = input('Please enter initial x coordinates: ');
y0 = input('Please enter initial y coordinates: ');
%=========================== Constants ===================================%
N = 3; % Proportionality constant
Td = 30; % designated impact time
I = 205; % moment of inertia
targetx= 5; targety = 5; % I set targetcoordinates as [5, 5]
Rgo_x = targetx - x0;
Rgo_y = targety - y0;
%============== Loop to keep churning out x and y values =================%
theta = theta0;
xspan = [x0 targetx];
yspan = [y0 targety];
IC = [0 theta0];
while x ~= targetx & y ~= targety
Rgo = sqrt(Rgo_x^2 + Rgo_y^2); % Current range between missle and target
omega = v/Rgo;
LOS = L/(I*omega); %L = applied torque, I = moment of intertia of gyroscope, omega = v/Rgo %LOS rate
Tgo = (1+ (theta-acosd(Rgo_x/Rgo))/10)*(Rgo/v);
a = N*v*LOS - (60*v^5*(Td-Tgo))/(N*v*LOS*(Rgo^3));
theta = a*(Rgo_x)/v^2 + theta;
[x, y] = ode45(@(x, y)odefcn(x, y, a, v), xspan, yspan, IC);
Rgo_x = targetx - x;
Rgo_y = targety - y;
%================ Plot x and Y values wrt to angle changes ===============%
grid on
xlabel('x displacement (m)');
ylabel('y displacement (m)');
Uday Pradhan
Uday Pradhan on 5 Aug 2020
Your while loop will not terminate when both x and y are 5, it will terminate when either x or y becomes 5. With the first execution itself x gets the value 5. You may try
while ~(x == 5 & y == 5)
Also I am not so sure about your arguments list in ode45. You may check the documentation first as the fourth option is for "options" structure array.
Ethan Wong Yew Hoe
Ethan Wong Yew Hoe on 5 Aug 2020
Thanks Uday, I have tried to use your arguments for while loop, still doesnt woork. I'm beginning to suspect that something is off with my ode45 parameters passed. Thanks once again and I will let you all know of any updates (for anyone who is interested)

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