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find indicies of maximum and minmum elements of an array in its each segmented smaller arrays, plus mean

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I have a large array A (1x3,000,000) and it was segmented by an indexA (1x5,000). Part of A (first 100 element) and indexA are as below:
A=[0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
0.4665982 1.0120536 1.0120536 1.0120536 1.0120536 1.0120536 ...
2.2720058 5.6612258 6.2438807 6.2438807 6.2438807 0.1706306 ...
3.4740953 7.5749402 8.3634338 8.3634338 8.3634338 0.9215111 ...
5.1563759 9.1346588 9.5029898 9.5029898 0.3987859 2.7512887 ...
7.7671609 11.3574429 11.4436398 0.3256813 1.5965981 5.1405444 ...
10.3805666 13.0157471 0 0.6612921 2.3093321 6.6952753 ...
11.4918060 12.5332108 0.1177574 1.0389878 3.9089594 8.5320177 ...
10.2545567 10.2545567 0.0723169 2.8528883 7.3057065 8.5047731 ...
0.0136646 0.8193274 4.6227546 8.9367990 9.6189337 0.2354149 ...
1.6503071 5.8358650 10.0257235 10.5574694 0.4393677 2.0512471 ...
6.2374287 10.5120144 11.1818972 0.4886205 2.0159214 5.8866639 ...
10.4216042 11.6498079 0.3699284 1.7069057];
indexA=[8 16 30 37 43 48 66 71 76 81 86 91 97];
The problem is to find index of max/min of A in each small segemented array based of the indexA, such as the segmented array are A(1:8-1), A(8:16-1),...A(91:97-1), A(97, end).
my solution using for loop is as below:
if indexA(1)>1
indexA=[1 indexA];
elseif indexA(end)<length(A)
indexA=[indexA length(A)];
for i=1:length(indexA)-1
[val, idx] = max(A(indexA(i):indexA(i+1)-1);
idxAmax=[idxAmax idx+indexA(i)-1];
Amax =[Amax val];
[val, idx] = min(A(indexA(i):indexA(i+1)-1);
Amin =[Amin val];
idxAmin=[idxAmin idx+indexA(i)-1];
Amean=[Amean mean(A(indexA(i):indexA(i+1)-1)];
Is there other solution simpler and faster than using for loop? (The problem is updated. Elements of IndexA is the begining index of each segment in A now. And you can copy A directly to Matlab now).

Accepted Answer

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 11 Aug 2020
Edited: Bruno Luong on 11 Aug 2020
Test example
indexA=[8 16 30 37 43 48 66 71 76 81 86 91 97];
I = zeros(size(A));
I([0 indexA]+1) = 1;
I(length(A)+1:end) = []; % incase indexA(end) contains the last index of A
I = cumsum(I);
[minAI,maxAI] = splitapply(@bounds, A, I);
meanAI = splitapply(@mean, A, I);
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 12 Aug 2020
Edited: Bruno Luong on 12 Aug 2020
Yeah as most of the recent MATHWORKS functions (SplitApply) it's slow. If speed is important and you are willing to go with histotical function, they usually faster. In this case the old ACCUMARRAY will do nicely the job and fast (which SPLITAPPLY tries to replace).
toc % Elapsed time is 0.346554 seconds.
I = zeros(size(A));
I([0 indexA]+1) = 1;
I(length(A)+1:end) = []; % incase indexA(end) contains the last index of A
I = cumsum(I);
maxAI = splitapply(@max, A, I);
toc % Elapsed time is 2.071576 seconds.
I = zeros(size(A));
I([0 indexA]+1) = 1;
I(length(A)+1:end) = []; % incase indexA(end) contains the last index of A
I = cumsum(I);
idxmaxAI = accumarray(I(:),A(:),[],@max)';
toc % Elapsed time is 0.120087 seconds.

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More Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 11 Aug 2020
Edited: Fangjun Jiang on 11 Aug 2020
Here is one way to find the max index without for-loop. Not sure if it is faster for larger data
indexA=[8 16 30 37 43 48 66 71 76 81 86 91 97];
idxMaxA =
8 16 30 37 43 48 66 71 76 81 86 91 97 100
Limei Cheng
Limei Cheng on 12 Aug 2020
Thx for your suggestions, but I tested modified solutions of yours and it’s faster than Bruno’s. Also, I use cellfun get mean of each this segment.
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 12 Aug 2020
Answer for the modified question.
idxMaxA =
7 15 29 36 42 47 65 70 75 80 85 90 96 100

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