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MATLAB Symbolic math toolbox

3 views (last 30 days)
Blake Sewell
Blake Sewell on 14 Oct 2020
Commented: Ameer Hamza on 14 Oct 2020
Hi, I am having troubles with using the symbolic math toolbox to figure out the following:
I have code which doesnt use the symbolic math toolbox which gets the correct graph and also code which attempts to use the symbolic math toolbox but does not work:
Working code without symbolic toolbox:
t = 1:1:10;
s = ((6/5).*(t.^3)-(81/5).*(t.^2)+(252/5).*(t));
velocity = diff(t); %first derivative is velocity
%d/dx of s = 3.6t^2-32.4t+50.4
plot (s)
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Displacement (metres)');
%turning point @ (5,-22.2) on graph
%roots=turning point
p = [3.6 -32.4 50.4];
r = roots(p);
disp (r)
Non-working code using symbolic math toolbox:
syms t
s = sym(6/5).*(t.^3)-(81/5).*(t.^2)+(252/5).*(t);
v = diff(s); %first derivative is velocity
%d/dx of s = 3.6t^2-32.4t+50.4
fplot (t,v)
xlim([0 10])
ylim([-50 100])
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel('Displacement (metres)');
%turning point @ (5,-22.2) on graph
%roots=turning point
p = [3.6 -32.4 50.4];
r = roots(p);
disp (r)
If anyone can assist me in altering the non-working code to achieve the same graph as the working code, that would be greatly appreciated!!

Answers (1)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 14 Oct 2020
Edited: Ameer Hamza on 14 Oct 2020
fplot() line should be like this
fplot (v, [0 10])
The rest is correct.
Blake Sewell
Blake Sewell on 14 Oct 2020
Thankyou, appreciate the help!
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 14 Oct 2020
I am glad to be of help!!!

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