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why i am getting the error "Index exceeds the number of array elements (1)" in my code? i am getting the error in line 33.

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clear variables
close all
segma_N = 10.^-7;
% p_db = 0:5:30;
% p = 10.^(p_db/10);%power
p = 0.07;
R = 0.5; %Optoelectronic conversion factor
I = abs(random('normal',1,2,1,100))*1e-8;
% Processing
%a= 3.99;% Alpha
%b=2; % Beta
a=[3.99 3.99 3.99 3.5 3.7 3.99]; % Alpha
b=[6 4 2 2 2 2]; % Beta
% nz = zeros(1, length(p_db));
% z = zeros(1, length(p_db));
SNR = 0:2:30;
SNR_db = 10.^(SNR/10);
nz = zeros(1, length(SNR_db));
z = zeros(1, length(SNR_db));
for k=1:length(a)
for j = 1:length(z)
yz =log2(1+((p(j).*R.*I)./segma_N).^2).*zpdf(I,a(k),b(k));
z(k,j) = trapz(I, yz);
% Plot
hold on
grid on
xlabel('SNR [dB]')
ylabel('channel Cpacity')
title('Intial Results')
xlim([0 30])
and the function zpdf is
function G = zpdf(I,a,b)
% a: Alpha
% b: Beta
c = 0.2; %Gamma
%d = 2.6124; %0.8; %Big omega prime
omega = 1.3265;
b_0 = 0.1079; %Average power of the coupled-to-LOS scattering component
row = 0.55; %Scattering power coupled to the LOS component
d = (omega+row.*2.*b_0+2.*sqrt(2.*b_0.*omega.*row));%Big omega prime Average optical power of coherent contributions
Aperture_radius = 0.1; %Aperture_radius
segma_s = 0.2; %Jitter standard deviation
omega_z = 2.5; %Beam Width
v = (sqrt(pi)*Aperture_radius)/(sqrt(2)*omega_z);
omega_zeq_2 = (omega_z^2)*(sqrt(pi)*erf(v))/(2*v*exp(-(v^2)));
g = omega_zeq_2/(2*segma_s);
A0 = (erf(v))^2;
A = (2*(a^(a/2))/((c^(1+a/2))*gamma(a)))*(((c*b)/(c*b+d))^(b+a/2));
First = (((g^2)*A)/2)*(I.^-1);
count1 = 0;
for k = 1:b
ak = (nchoosek(b-1,k-1))*(((c*b+d)^(1-k/2))/gamma(k))*((d/c)^(k-1))*((a/b)^(k/2));
Part1 = ak*(a*b/(c*b+d))^(-(a+k)/2);
Part2_1 = (a*b/(c*b+d));
Part2_2 = I/A0;
Part2 = meijerG([],g^2,[g^2,a,k],[],Part2_1*Part2_2);
count1 = count1 + Part1.*Part2;
G = First.*count1;
Atrolita afra
Atrolita afra on 16 Oct 2020
yz =log2(1+((p(j).*R.*I)./segma_N).^2).*zpdf(I,a(k),b(k));
i am getting the error in this line saying , "Index exceeds the number of array elements (1)."

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Answers (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 16 Oct 2020
From you code,
p = 0.07;
p has 1 value, size (1,1).
In the loop below, when j>1 you're getting the indexing error because p only has 1 value.
for k=1:length(a)
for j = 1:length(z)
yz =log2(1+((p(j).*R.*I)./segma_N).^2).*zpdf(I,a(k),b(k));
% ^^^
z(k,j) = trapz(I, yz);
There may be other errors but I'm not going to read through the code to figure that out. If there are more errors, please attach ther data so I can run the code.

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