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How does the method loadVariablesFromMATFile from Simlink.SimulationInput object work?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a Simulink model 'input_checkN1P10test1' and want to run parallel computing with various settings of parameters of this model. I want to load the parameters to the model from external .mat file. Those parameters in model are ‘Start Time’ t0, ‘Stop Time’ t1, or even ‘tspan’ show up in Simulink’s ‘If’ Block (see attached), etc.. Short Questions:
1. Is it OK to use method loadVariablesFromMATfile to load values of those parameters from external .mat file?
2. What’s the difference with loadVariablesFromMATFile method other than methords 'setModelParameter' and 'setBlockParameter'?
3. Does loadVariablesFromMATfile load variables from .mat file to model's model work space?
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mdl = 'input_checkN1P10test1'; % mdl has no vars in model ws and data source
N = 10;
tset = linspace(0,1,N+1);
simin(1:N) = Simulink.SimulationInput(mdl);
hws1 = get_param(mdl,'modelworkspace')% should be empty
for i = 1: 10
simin(i) = simin(i).loadVariablesFromMATFile('inputpars_simulink.mat');
simin(i) = simin(i).setVariable('t0',tset(i),'workspace','input_checkN1P10test1');
simin(i) = simin(i).setVariable('upars',50*ones(1,10),'workspace','input_checkN1P10test1');
simin(i) = simin(i).setVariable('vpars', 5*ones(1,10),'workspace','input_checkN1P10test1');
simout1 = sim(simin);%

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