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Force plate zero offset

3 views (last 30 days)
Sangwoo on 27 Apr 2011
I have collected data from a force plate with the use of matlab. But initially, the signals of 6 channles were set slightly below or above the zero.
I want to know how to set it zero offset with the use of matlab code.
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 28 Apr 2011
How do you know how much the offset is?
Sangwoo on 28 Apr 2011
I could figure out the offset after I had plotted the signals.

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Accepted Answer

Jiro Doke
Jiro Doke on 28 Apr 2011
Typically, you would do a reference measurement (with no load on the force plate). Take that measurement and compute the average (mean) of it. Then after taking your actual measurements, subtract the average you computed before with the no-load condition.
Sangwoo on 2 May 2011
I got the average code. But I had to run the code without load and then run the code with load after subtracting the average from the data with load.
I am wondering how to run the code without load and with load at the same time.
Jiro Doke
Jiro Doke on 8 May 2011
I'm not sure that's physically possible. You have to physically have nothing on the forceplate for the "no load" condition, and then do the experiment. The way I used to do the experiment, was to record the no load condition at the beginning of the test and store the data. Then after doing all the experiments, I postprocess by subtracting the no-load data from all of my test results. Another way is to run the test with no load for the first few seconds. Then when you post process, take the mean of the first few seconds and subtract it from the rest of the experimental data.

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