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vertices in contour matrix

4 views (last 30 days)
strunack on 8 Apr 2013
Answered: Chad Greene on 22 May 2014
Dear Friends, I need a help regarding contour plot. I plot contour(X,Y,Z,20). Depending on level value, some contours are closed circles and some are not. Close circles starts usually starts from lowest value (typical 0.001). As level increases with fine step, at some particular value circle becomes open with various other patterns. My task is to identify the largest level for a closed circle.
I tried with
[c, h]=contour(R,Z,F,[i]);
i being step index in for loop. Initially I thought I will retrieve the individual plots and check for closeness. But I find the position of vertices are quite random.
My questions are
1. Is there a way to find vertices value and index position in c matrix. 2. Do you suggest a any other better way for identifying last closed circle.
With thanks

Answers (1)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 22 May 2014
The C2xyz function may help with this.


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