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How do I code Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Method to find PID control constants?

35 views (last 30 days)
I need to use the Ziegler-Nichols Tuning rules to determine the PID control constants for the following system to meet a settling time ts ≤ 5 sec, an overshoot of Mp ≤ 50%, and zero steady state error to a unit step function input.
System: PID control = Kp((Ti*Td*s^2+Ti*s+1)/(Ti*s))
And plant open loop transfer function = 10/(2*s^3+12*s^2+22*s+12)
PID control and plant function are in series with negative feedback loop.
For PID control tuning rules are as follows, Kp=0.6*Kr, Ti=0.5*Pcr, Td=0.125*Pcr
I appreciate your help.
kerem on 13 Mar 2024
transfer fonksiyonu verilen bir sistem için PID katsayıları nasıl belirleyebilirim?
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 13 Mar 2024
I suggest posting a new question and providing the transfer function of the given Plant. However, it is important to note that not all types of transfer functions can be stabilized by a PID controller. PID controllers are typically most effective for linear systems of 2nd-order or lower.

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Answers (1)

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 7 Jul 2024
It is now time to provide a conclusion for this control problem. In the Ziegler-Nichols 2nd method, the critical gain can be determined from the Routh–Hurwitz criterion. Simulating the closed-loop system will cause the output to exhibit sustained oscillations. From the oscillations, the critical period can be found using the findpeaks() command.
While the Ziegler-Nichols-tuned PID gains do not strictly satisfy the settling time requirement, it is possible to employ a heuristic approach to quickly tune the PID gains. However, this heuristic approach may not always lead to the optimal solution.
Ziegler-Nichols Second method
%% Process Plant, Gp
s = tf('s');
Gp = 10/(2*s^3 + 12*s^2 + 22*s + 12)
Gp = 10 -------------------------- 2 s^3 + 12 s^2 + 22 s + 12 Continuous-time transfer function.
%% Find Critical Gain, Kcr (determined by Routh-Hurwitz criterion)
Kcr = 12;
Gc = pid(Kcr);
Gcl = minreal(feedback(Gc*Gp, 1)); % closed-loop system
[y, t] = step(Gcl, 10);
plot(t, y), grid on, xlabel('t'), ylabel('y(t)'), title('Step Response')
%% Find Critical Period, Pcr
[pk, lo]= findpeaks(y, t);
Pcr = lo(2) - lo(1)
Pcr = 1.8894
%% Apply Ziegler-Nichols Tuning Rules
Kp = 0.6*Kcr;
Ti = 0.5*Pcr;
Td = 0.125*Pcr;
%% PID controller in standard form
Gc = pidstd(Kp, Ti, Td)
Gc = 1 1 Kp * (1 + ---- * --- + Td * s) Ti s with Kp = 7.2, Ti = 0.945, Td = 0.236 Continuous-time PID controller in standard form
%% Closed-loop system
Gcl = minreal(feedback(Gc*Gp, 1))
Gcl = 8.502 s^2 + 36 s + 38.11 ------------------------------------- s^4 + 6 s^3 + 19.5 s^2 + 42 s + 38.11 Continuous-time transfer function.
nfo = stepinfo(Gcl);
step(Gp, 10), hold on
step(Gcl, 10), grid on, hold off
xline(nfo.SettlingTime, '--', sprintf('Settling Time: %.3f sec', nfo.SettlingTime), 'color', '#7F7F7F', 'LabelVerticalAlignment', 'bottom')
legend('Original System', 'Closed-loop System', '')
Rational number PID gains
%% PID Controller
kp = 9/10;
ki = 18/25;
kd = 1/8;
Tf = 5/12;
Gc = pid(kp, ki, kd, Tf) % PID controller
Gc = 1 s Kp + Ki * --- + Kd * -------- s Tf*s+1 with Kp = 0.9, Ki = 0.72, Kd = 0.125, Tf = 0.417 Continuous-time PIDF controller in parallel form.
Gcl = minreal(feedback(Gc*Gp, 1)) % closed-loop system
Gcl = 6 s^2 + 14.4 s + 8.64 --------------------------------------------------- s^5 + 8.4 s^4 + 25.4 s^3 + 38.4 s^2 + 28.8 s + 8.64 Continuous-time transfer function.
step(Gp), hold on
step(Gcl), grid on
S = stepinfo(Gcl);
xline(S.SettlingTime, '--', sprintf('Settling Time: %.3f sec', S.SettlingTime), 'color', '#7F7F7F', 'LabelVerticalAlignment', 'bottom')
legend('Original System', 'Closed-loop System', '')

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