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Scatterhist + hold on + scatterhist

2 views (last 30 days)
Luigi Lombardo
Luigi Lombardo on 22 May 2013
Hello to everyone, I'm trying to use the scatterhist function twice on the same plot. Is it possible to use the "hold on" to lock the first figure and then use the scatterhist again to plot another set of variables on the very same graph? Thanks in advance.

Answers (1)

Tom Lane
Tom Lane on 22 May 2013
This is not possible.
What is possible is to use a function that plots into one set of axes, and have it add to the scatterplot axes. For example, you can use "hold on" followed by "plot" to add more points. You may have to adjust the axis limits after you do that. But the new points will not be added to the two histograms.


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