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Defining an EPSP window

2 views (last 30 days)
AMC3011 on 16 Mar 2021
Edited: AMC3011 on 19 Mar 2021
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out on this one:
I have a recording with 2 action potentials one after the other stimulated at different points. The thing is I only want the data for the first one but I cant seem to get my head around extracting the time window which includes the fEPSP I want from the whole plot.
num_samp = size(Data.S{1,1});
Interval = Data.t_interval
t= 0:Interval:(num_samp-1)*Interval;
t = t'*1000;
Record = plot(t, Data.S{1,1});
This is the code im currently using to plot the whole set of recordings but I would like to have the ones between 10ms and 45ms only.
Hope you can help me, if more information is needed I am happy to supply it.
Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

Tarunbir Gambhir
Tarunbir Gambhir on 19 Mar 2021
You could search for the start and end indices in the time vector and use that to plot the data within that interval.
You could try something like this:
data = Data.S{1,1};
num_samp = size(data);
Interval = Data.t_interval;
t= 0:Interval:(num_samp-1)*Interval;
t = t'*1000;
startI = find(t==10); % assuming the time is in ns
endI = find(t==45);
Record = plot(t(startI:endI), data(startI:endI));
Tarunbir Gambhir
Tarunbir Gambhir on 19 Mar 2021
Thanks for sharing the data. I see that the problem arises because the time vector "t" would not necessarily have a value equal to 10 or 45 in this case.
I modified the last 3 lines of code and you should see the desired results with this:
[~,startI] = min(abs(t-10));
[~,endI] = min(abs(t-45));
Record = plot(t(startI:endI), data(startI:endI,:));
AMC3011 on 19 Mar 2021
Hugely appreciated, that does exactly the job!
Thanks and kind regards.

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