Create square uicontrol components when using normalized units

8 views (last 30 days)
For my figure and ui elements I prefer using normalized units, but now I'm trying to create square pushbuttons and I can't get it right with normalized units.
Apart from not getting the desired result, I'm also getting different results when I add a breakpoint in the for loop. (with breakpoint I get the desired result, removing the breakpoint gives a strange mess). Using R2019b. --> diving into the breakpoint issue is interesting, but I'm mainly interested in fixing my code :)
The goal of the script is to create 3 pushbuttons that have an image on them. I want these pushbuttons to appear as squares (equal pixels height/width). I create them as normalized (everything in my GUI is normalized), and then I play around with getpixelposition and setpixelposition.
The image is use is scanner.png and can be found here (supposed to be 257x257 pixels). The second picture is the desired result (achieved when I add a breakpoint), image 3 and 4 are variations that i get when I remove the breakpoint.
Bonus question: how do I evenly space these buttons? I would like the center button to be perfectly centered in my GUI, but currently i'm just eyeballing it.
%Create figure
h.gui.fig = figure('units','normalized' , 'menubar','none');
h.gui.fig.WindowState = 'Maximized';
h.gui.fig.Name = 'GUI';
h.gui.fig.NumberTitle = 'off';
back_clr = [0 44/256 91/256];
%Create tabs = uitabgroup(h.gui.fig,'units','normalized');
tab_names = {'Main' 'Signals' 'Tab3' 'Scanner'};
for ii=1:length(tab_names) = uitab(,'title',tab_names{ii}); = back_clr';
%Create buttons with picture
I_size = size(I_scan);
h.set.asa_types = {'Type1' 'Type2' 'Type3'};
tab =;
for ii = 1:length(h.set.asa_types)
uicontrol(tab,'Style','text','ForegroundColor','w','FontSize', 18,'String',[h.set.asa_types{ii},' scan'],...
'BackgroundColor',back_clr,'HorizontalAlignment','center','units','normalized', 'Position', [(ii/5)-0.05 0.65 0.2 0.05]);
'HorizontalAlignment','center', 'Position', [ii/5 1/3 0.2 0.2],'cdata',I_scan,...
'Callback',['disp(''Pressed button ' h.set.asa_types{ii} ''');']);
set(h.gui.scanner_button(ii),'units','pixels') %%Adding breakpoint here changes execution
pos = getpixelposition(h.gui.scanner_button(ii))
pos(3) = I_size(1)+10; pos(4) = I_size(2)+10; %my attempt to change the buttons size to correspond with picture size (+10 for border)

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