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How to transform cartesian or polar data to latitude longitude ?

42 views (last 30 days)
# sorry if my english is bad
Hello, like the title of this question, i need to compute a Cartesian Points or Polar Points to Geographic coordinates ( Latitude and Longitude ) if the ThetaZeroLocation is on top and the x,y,z axis is like this.
where the 0,0,0 coordinate is the center of a radar. the radar location : latitude = -6.1275 , longitude = 106.6537, with height = 3 m above the ground.
i have the real data location of a target on the radar in all 3 coordinates, cartesian, polar, and latitude longitude. I want to transform the cartesian or polar data to geographic coodinates.
Im making a function that have several code to compute this problem,
for case 1 and 2, i get the reference from this site [,a%20longitude%20of%200%C2%B0.]
for case 3 []
and for case 4 []
function Data = Cart2LatLong(latRad,longRad,initData,n)
%X Y Z in Nautycal Mile
for i = 1:size(initData,1)
X = initData{i,1}(:,2);
Y = initData{i,1}(:,3);
Z = initData{i,1}(:,6)/6076; % ft to KM to NM
Zm = initData{i,1}(:,6)*0.3048; %ft to meter
switch n
case 1
r = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 + Z.^2);
Data{i,1}(:,1) = asin(Z./r)+latRad;
Data{i,1}(:,2) = atan2(Y, X)+longRad;
Data{i,1}(:,3) = X;
Data{i,1}(:,4) = Y;
Data{i,1}(:,5) = Z;
Data{i,1}(:,6) = Zm;
case 2
r = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 + Z.^2);
Data{i,1}(:,1) = asin(Z./r)+latRad;
Data{i,1}(:,2) = atan2(X,-Y)+longRad;
Data{i,1}(:,3) = X;
Data{i,1}(:,4) = Y;
Data{i,1}(:,5) = Z;
Data{i,1}(:,6) = Zm;
case 3
r = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 + Z.^2);
Data{i,1}(:,1) = atan2(Z,r)+latRad;
Data{i,1}(:,2) = atan2(X,-Y)+longRad;
Data{i,1}(:,3) = X;
Data{i,1}(:,4) = Y;
Data{i,1}(:,5) = Z;
Data{i,1}(:,6) = Zm;
case 4
R_Tgt = initData{i,1}(:,4); % Data in NM ( Nautycal Mile )
T_Tgt = initData{i,1}(:,5); % Data in NM
Z_Tgt = Z*1.15078; % NM to mile
R1 = 3959 + 0.0057556603249355915708;
T1 = longRad;
Phi1 = 90-latRad;
R2 = R_Tgt*1.15078; % NM to mile
T2 = 90-T_Tgt; % Because the zero location is on top, so the theta 90-theta
Phi2 = 90-Z_Tgt;
%% Extract NaN data
[R1,T1,Phi1] = extractNan3D(R1,T1,Phi1);
[R2,T2,Phi2] = extractNan3D(R2,T2,Phi2);
%% Transform polar data to cartesian
[x1,y1,z1]= pol2car(Phi1,T1,R1);
[x2,y2,z2]= pol2car(Phi2,T2,R2);
x = x1+x2; y = y1+y2; z = z1+z2; %final cartesian
%final polar
R = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2);
Theta = atan2(y,x);
Phi = atan2(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2),z.^2);
Lat = 90 - Phi;
Long = Theta;
Data{i,1}(:,1)= Lat+latRad;
Data{i,1}(:,2)= Long+longRad;
% coba function di matlab
function [x,y,z] = pol2car (phi,theta,rho)
x = rho.*sin(phi).*cos(theta);
y = rho.*sin(phi).*sin(theta);
z = rho.*cos(phi);
function [x,y,z] = extractNan3D(x1,y,z)
indnan = find(isnan(x1)); %find index that the data is NaN
x = x1(setdiff(1:length(x1),indnan));
y = y(setdiff(1:length(x1),indnan));
z = z(setdiff(1:length(x1),indnan));
so for example, the x,y,z,rho data in NM (Nautycal mile) and theta is
X = 0.578125000000000; Y = 11.0781250000000; Z = 7.55842659644503; rho = 11.0976562500000; theta = 2.99926757812500
the real latitude longitude is
latitude = -5.942989 ; longitude = 106.663383
but what i got from each program is
%n = 1
latitude = -5.529427552; longitude = 108.1723574;
%n = 2
latitude = -5.529427552; longitude = 109.7431538;
%n = 3
latitude = -5.614692417; longitude = 109.7431538;
%n = 4
latitude = 83.86984703; longitude = 106.4941534; %the longitude data result is the closest one to the real longitude
so am i have making a totally wrong code or just wrong in some line ? need help thank you.
  1 Comment
Zaidan Adenin Said
Zaidan Adenin Said on 25 May 2021
this is the data that i use for this problem
% X (NM) Y (NM) Rho (NM) The (deg) Z (ft)
0.578125000000000 11.0781250000000 11.0976562500000 2.99926757812500 45925
1.01562500000000 11.0546875000000 11.1015625000000 5.27893066406250 45925
1.46093750000000 11.0078125000000 11.1015625000000 7.55859375000000 45925
1.89843750000000 10.9375000000000 11.1054687500000 9.84375000000000 45925
2.32812500000000 10.8593750000000 11.1093750000000 12.1234130859375 45925
% Lat_Real Long_Real
-5.942989 106.663383
-5.94338 106.67071
-5.94416 106.678168
-5.945331 106.685496
-5.946633 106.692692

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Accepted Answer

Zaidan Adenin Said
Zaidan Adenin Said on 31 May 2021
So i think i found the answer. From the toolbox Automated driving ther is one function that work fine to me.
so im just convert X,Y, and Z data with NM to meter. And because my data is already ENU form, so im not changing any direction. and the origin just a vector contain latitude, longitude, and the height of my radar.

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