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Matlab cannot import data from file

9 views (last 30 days)
Andreas Medgyesy
Andreas Medgyesy on 10 Jun 2021
Answered: Kiran Felix Robert on 14 Jul 2021
Hi, every time when I try to import data from an excel sheet with the import tool I get the following Error Code:
I want to import a column from an excel (.xlsx) file as a numeric matrix, but Matlab cannot import the data. This Error appears as soon as I select the file I want to import the data from. I tried different files (.csv files don't work, too) with different names and none of them works.
I've used Matlab for the last time a few weeks ago and everything was fine, I didn't change any settings in Matlab or on my Mac. I know I did a software update on my Mac during this time to Big Sur Version 11.3.1. And I've already reinstalled Matlab.
Any help will be much appreciated.
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Cecilia S.
Cecilia S. on 10 Jun 2021
Could you provide the code you're using for importing the file to check for possible errors?

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Answers (1)

Kiran Felix Robert
Kiran Felix Robert on 14 Jul 2021
Hi Andreas,
This issue can be resolved by updating to MATLAB R2021a Update 1.


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