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Runge Kutta and Binary Search to analyze system of ODEs

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The objective of this code is to solve a system of ODE's representing the motion of a raindrop with inclusion of drag, air density, and mass loss. Within the for loop I used the Runge Kutta method to solve for the position, velocity, and diameter^2 of the drop with respect to time.
Within the while loop lies my issue: I have to find the maximal initial diameter (found in the d vector) such that the drop evaporates before hitting the ground. That is to say, the final position will be greater than zero, for j = 0 (j = d^2). To do this, I am trying to use a binary search algorithm to converge to the diameter I need. I have tested this code with numerous variations (changing n, h, y(1)) in hopes of isolating where my problem is, to no avail. Any critiques, help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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format longE
c = 2.12;
b = 2.28; %Defining constants
a = 0.013;
sigma = 0.07;
K = 6.67e-4;
mu = 1.89e-5;
rho_w = 1000;
g = 9.8;
error = 1e-5;
h = 0.1; %Arbitrary step size
n = 0:h:4000; %Analyzing up to t = some value
d = 0.0005:0.0001:0.005; %Array of initial diameter values
t = zeros(1,1);
v = zeros(1,1);
y = zeros(1,1);
j = zeros(1,1);
rho = zeros(1,length(t));
v(1) = 0; %Initial values for the IVP
y(1) = 400; %I would like to have y(1) = 4500, but for testing purposes it is an arbitrary smaller value
t(1) = 0;
%j(1) = d(1)^2;
low = 1;
high = length(d) - 1;
mid = round((high + low)/2)
d0 = d(mid);
j(1) = d0^2; %j = diameter^2
while (low <= high) %start of binary search
for i = 1:1:length(n) -1 %start of runge kutta method
t(i) = n(i);
if (y(i)<0)
elseif(j(i) < 0)
j(i) = 0;
elseif(isnan(y(i)) == 1 || isinf(y(i)) == 1) %this often happens, I would love to know why so I can erradicate this condition
y(i) = y(i-1);
x0 = Atmos1.Hm(60); %linear interpolation equation to define rho(y) function based on given dataset
p = @(x) (x - x0)/(Atmos1.Hm(2) - Atmos1.Hm(1));
f = @(x) p(x)*(p(x)-1)/2;
g = f(y(i))*(p(y(i) - 2))/3;
rho(i) = Atmos1.rhosi(60) + p(y(i))*(Atmos1.rhosi(61) - Atmos1.rhosi(60))...
- f(y(i))*(Atmos1.rhosi(62) -2*Atmos1.rhosi(61)+ Atmos1.rhosi(60))+ g*(Atmos1.rhosi(63) - 3*Atmos1.rhosi(62) + 3*Atmos1.rhosi(61) - Atmos1.rhosi(60));
m = rho_w*(1/6)*pi*(sqrt(j(i)))^3; %mass of raindrop at time i
F1 = @(t,y,v,j) v ; %ODE 1: dy/dt = v
F2 = @(t,y,v,j) (1/m)*3*pi*sqrt(j)*mu*abs(v)... %ODE 2: dv/dt = Fd/m - g
*(1+0.16*(rho(i)*abs(v)*sqrt(j)/mu)^(2/3))*(1 + ((a*(rho(i)*v^2)*sqrt(j)/sigma) + b)^c - a*b^c) - 9.8;
F3 = @(t,y,v,j) -K*(d0)^2; %ODE 3: dj/dt = -Kdo^2
%Runge Kutta coefficients%
k1 = F1(t(i),y(i),v(i),j(i));
p1 = F2(t(i),y(i),v(i),j(i));
s1 = F3(t(i),y(i),v(i),j(i));
k2 = F1(t(i)+h/2, y(i)+(h/2)*k1, v(i)+(h/2)*p1, j(i)+(h/2)*s1);
p2 = F2(t(i)+h/2, y(i)+(h/2)*k1, v(i)+(h/2)*p1, j(i)+(h/2)*s1);
s2 = F3(t(i)+h/2, y(i)+(h/2)*k1, v(i)+(h/2)*p1, j(i)+(h/2)*s1);
k3 = F1(t(i)+h/2, y(i)+(h/2)*k2, v(i)+(h/2)*p2, j(i)+(h/2)*s2);
p3 = F2(t(i)+h/2, y(i)+(h/2)*k2, v(i)+(h/2)*p2, j(i)+(h/2)*s2);
s3 = F3(t(i)+h/2, y(i)+(h/2)*k2, v(i)+(h/2)*p2, j(i)+(h/2)*s2);
k4 = F1(t(i)+h, y(i)+(h)*k3, v(i)+(h)*p3, j(i) + h*s3);
p4 = F2(t(i)+h, y(i)+(h)*k3, v(i)+(h)*p3, j(i) + h*s3);
s4 = F3(t(i)+h, y(i)+(h)*k3, v(i)+(h)*p3, j(i) + h*s3);
y(i+1) = y(i) + h * (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6 ;
v(i+1) = v(i) + h * (p1+2*p2+2*p3+p4)/6 ;
j(i+1) = j(i) + h * (s1+2*s2+2*s3+s4)/6 ;
%t(i+1) = n(i);
figure(1) %Plot to properly see what is happening with each iteration. Goal: Find maximal initial diameter s.t.
plot([j(1) j(i)],[y(1) y(i)]); % the line of motion hits the y axis above 0. Meaning j = 0, y > 0.
title('Position Vs. Diameter^2');
xlabel('d^2 [m^2]');
ylabel('Position [m]');
hold on
mid = round((high + low)/2)
val1 = j(i) %simply just to see what the values are
val2 = y(i)
%Binary search logic%
if ( y(i) < error && j(i) == 0)
fprintf('case 1'); %Just to see what condition is met
elseif (y(i) > error && j(i) >= 0)
fprintf('case 2');
low = mid
elseif (y(i) < error && j(i) > 0)
fprintf('case 3');
high = mid
d0 = d(mid)
j(1) = d0^2; %new initial diameter to start the RK method again
hold off

Accepted Answer

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 2 Jul 2021
At the moment you have
dj/dt = -K*d0^2;
which means rate of reduction of radius is constant.
Since d0^2 is a constant this means
j(t) = d0^2*(1-K*t)
So j will go negative when t = 1/K.
Perhaps you should have
dj/dt = -K*j^2;
which means rate of reduction of radius is proportional to surface area.
This has the solution
j(t) = d0^2/(1+d0^2*K*t)
This approaches zero asymptotically at infinity.
Neither of these depend on the atmospheric conditions! Perhaps a different model is needed.

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