
Version 1.0 (972 MB) by Kevin Holly
The Rodent Sleep Spindle Detector app can identify sleep spindles within intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings.
Updated 2 Nov 2023

Rodent Sleep Spindle Detector

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  1. Run RodentSleepSpindleDetector.mlappinstall to install the app
  2. Select the Rodent Sleep Spindle Detector App Icon under the Apps tab wihin MATLAB


  1. Make sure downloaded files are within your path
  2. Run RodentSleepSpindleDetector.mlapp

MathWorks Products (

Requires MATLAB release R2021b or newer

System Requirements

Operating System requirements

Getting started


The multi-window Rodent Sleep Spindle Detector app can identify sleep spindles within intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings. Periods of quiescence can optionally be identified via video recordings to improve sleep spindle detection. The program includes validation methods to compare detected results to a ground truth.


  1. Open the app after installation.
  2. Open EEG and/or video of a rodent
  3. Use sliders or their respective edit fields to adjust the time, epoch, zoom, binary threshold, and area threshold.
  4. Click the Analyze button or File>Analyze in the menu to analyze the entire EEG and generate a spreadsheet of results.

Validation (Optional)

  1. Select the Validation tab
  2. Click "Load GroundTruth"
  3. Click "Calculate"

EEG Specifications

European Data Format (EDF)

Video Specifications

Supported video formats include Multi-TIFF files as well as those listed below. All Platforms: AVI, including uncompressed, indexed, grayscale, and Motion JPEG-encoded video (.avi), Motion JPEG 2000 (.mj2) All Windows: MPEG-1 (.mpg), Windows Media Video (.wmv, .asf, .asx), Any format supported by Microsoft® DirectShow® Windows 7 or later: MPEG-4, including H.264 encoded video (.mp4, .m4v), Apple QuickTime Movie (.mov), Any format supported by Microsoft Media Foundation Macintosh: Most formats supported by QuickTime Player, including: MPEG-1 (.mpg), MPEG-4, including H.264 encoded video (.mp4, .m4v), Apple QuickTime Movie (.mov), 3GPP, 3GPP2, AVCHD, DV Note: For OS X Yosemite (Version 10.10) and later, MPEG-4/H.264 files play correctly, but display an inexact frame rate.


The license is available in the License file within this repository.

Community Support

MATLAB Central

Copyright 2022 The MathWorks, Inc.

Cite As

Kevin Holly (2024). Rodent-Sleep-Spindle-Detector (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2023b
Compatible with R2021b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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