TLBO based EDP considering renewable sources

Version 2.0 (11.1 KB) by praveen kumar
This program solves economic dispatch problem considering losses and valve point loading
Updated 26 Dec 2023

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Economic dispatch problem is one of the fundamental and basic power system problem..The valve point effect makes the problem complex and traditional techniques like DP and LP is unsuitable for solving the EDP.Hence non traditional technqiues like GA and PSO suits and may converge to a optimal solution.Among the non-traditional and evolutionary techniques Teaching learning based optimization is one among those methods which suits Non-Linear problems like EDP which produces optimal soultion when its parameters are tuned.Bmn coefficients are used to calculate the losses.

Cite As

praveen kumar (2024). TLBO based EDP considering renewable sources (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2013a
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Version Published Release Notes

Renewable energy sources are considered namely wind and solar
